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Rapid CO2 reduction of 7,000 tonnes ‹ Fruit Portal

Rapid CO2 reduction of 7,000 tonnes ‹ Fruit Portal

15. October 2024

APM Terminals Maasvlakte II (APMT MVII) will be connected to the terminal from 2028 with Landstrom versorgen. A wichtigiger Schritt, um den Rotterdamer Hafen nachhaltiger zu machen. Zu dieem We provide business services to an operating company of Rotterdam Shore Power, a partner company of the Port of Rotterdam Authority and Eneco. So from 2028 the Seeschiffe will be on Liège time in the Hafen with friends from the world towards energy.

It has happened that the first Schiffe will be in 2028 for the organization of the Landstrom and the terminals of the APMT MVII. (Photo © APM Terminals)

Thanks to the intervention of the APMT MVII system and network, CO2 emissions were quickly reduced by 7,000 tonnes during the year. Außerdem werden Stickstoff- und Feinstaubemissionen reduziert. L’Insgesamt werden die Schiffe am Terminal runsd 13,000 MWh pro Jahr verbrauchen.

The company’s operating company Rotterdam Shore Power is currently in charge of a planning and partnership agency. Rotterdam Shore Power and APMT MVII work together for the integration and management of terminal landscaping. Die ersten Schiffe werden voraussichtlich ab 2028 die Landstromanlagen nutzen können. This is what prevails for European regulations, until 2030 Landstrom für Containerschiffe vorschreibt.

Gemeinsames Ziel

The installation of the Landstromversorgung is carried out within the framework of the APMT MVII, so that the European logistics program is efficient and effective.

“Landstrom’s Project for Our Planet is a part of our overall strategy to reduce emissions in the maritime sector,” said Harold Kunst, CEO of APMT MVII.

“This investment with Rotterdam Shore Power is a significant opportunity for a long-term investment in Rotterdam, which is a major part of our business. »

Auch Rotterdam Shore Power schließt sich this Botschaft an. “This cooperation will allow us to establish our Landstrom portfolio as part of a Deepsea-Terminal,” said Geschäftsführer Ina Barge and Tiemo Arkesteijn. “Dies ist ein wichtigiger Schritt, um den Rotterdamer Hafen nachhaltiger zu machen et Emissionen zu reduzieren.”

Effective method

“Landström is an effective method to reduce emissions from motor vehicles and work to prevent vehicles from using more energy,” said Brigit Gijsbers, director general of aviation and maritime affairs at the ministry. infrastructure and water. ft.

“It’s something that can be seen, the port of Rotterdam is not a big schritt inside, a port is not yet gestal.”

APMT MVII is a CO2-free, energy-saving and environmentally friendly terminal. The complete large equipment, which also includes fully automatic lifting guided vehicles (L-AGV), is intended to ensure that these characteristics are met. These means of transport, the containers transported, are carried out with the Ökostrom aus Windkraft and verursachen nur Lärmbelästigung minimum.

Quelle: Rotterdamer Hafen

Publication date: 15.10.2024