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Also Google sets up links to Atomstrom

Also Google sets up links to Atomstrom

Google has defined – like Microsoft – on nuclear technology, one of the main energy sites within the KI research centers on deck. A partnership with Kairos Power until 2030, small modular reactors and a 500 megawatt energy supply network.

Google, Logo, Atom, Atomkraftwerk, Strahlung, Atomkraft, Nuklear, Atommüll

Googles KI-Hunger treibt nukleare Innovation voran

Google has new information and information on other points, one of the exploded energy systems of the KI system at your disposal. The entrepreneurs have a partnership with nuclear technology start-up Kairos Power. By 2030, these are the first small modular reactors (small modular reactors; SMR) in Betrieb zu nehmen and damit Googles Rechenzentren mit “sauberer” Energie zu versorgen.

The company is looking for Google to insert 500 megawatts of power to connect to SMRs at the same time. These reactors are really small like homemade manufacturing plants and offer flexible and expensive energy production. Kairos Power is set to an innovative technology: Anstelle von Wasser kommt geschmolzenes Fluoridsalz als Kühlmittel zum Einsatz, was einen sichereren und effizienteren Betrieb ermöglichen soll – so zumindest die PR-Lesart des Ganzen.

Googles is the nuclear partner of Kairos Power for

Like Reuters under the direction of a Google blog, it is Kauf von Strom’s leading global service provider for many SMRs. Michael Terrell, senior director of energy and climate at Google, said in a report with the Nuclear Energy Management Report for Business Leadership:

Wir Glauben, Dass Kernenergie has entscheidende Rolle bei der Unterstützung unseres sauberen Wachstums et bei der Förderung des KI-Fortschritts spielen kann. Das Stromnetz benefits from this art of conservation, renewable energy and operating technology that allows you to realize projects. With me, nuclear power is an interesting roll on the deck that lets you play Bedarf and helps you do it, save Bedarf and run your watch on the deck.

Michael Terrell, senior director of energy and climate at Google

Explodierender Energiebedarf

The great energy hunger of research centers is a connecting phenomenon. Goldman Sachs’ programs will take place under the US Research Center Intervention Program by 2023 and 2030. This trend is aimed at technical companies that have new energies at their disposal. Google also has other branches like Microsoft and Amazon which have nuclear agencies.

The installation of SMRs is not possible without security services. Critics argue that the technology has not yet been put to good use and that the page of the end of the atom is undoubtedly ungelöst bleibt. Kairos Power must now be a universal regulator for strong winds, before the first reactors and networks come into contact.

Microsoft defines falls on Kernkraft

Nuclear energy information for research centers is not included in the Google description. Microsoft plants as an example, a virtual company of Three Mile Island Kraftwerks, with a KI server with Strom zu Versorgen. These centers of interest are the technological branch which, on the other hand, has the potential to develop energy technologies for investment.


  • Google defines nuclear technology for KI research centers
  • Partnership with Kairos Power targeting 500 megawatts until 2030
  • Installation of small modular reactors (SMR)
  • Geschmolzenes Fluoridsalz et Kühlmittel for greater safety
  • Erster Unternehmensvertrag weltweit für Strom aus SMRs
  • Michael Terrell puts Kernenergie as Schlüssel für Sauberes Wachstum
  • Development technology of SMRs created by specialists and reviews

See also: