
Trends shaping consumer behavior on the Internet in 2024

The Market Insights 2024 report from Synergy Market Research + Strategic Consultancy highlights significant e-commerce trends that reflect changing consumer behaviors and preferences.

Increased use of e-commerce:

E-commerce is becoming the preferred shopping method for many consumers. Convenience, variety and competitive prices offered by online platforms are the main factors driving this trend. According to the report, 9 out of 10 online shoppers regularly use e-commerce sites to make purchases.

Major e-commerce platforms such as Lazada and Shopee dominate the market, especially among younger demographics such as Generation X and millennials. These platforms are popular due to their wide range of products, friendly interfaces and frequent promotional offers.

E-commerce applications are mainly used for shopping in media streaming, mobile and online services, offline/online betting, financial services and investment products, holidays/travel, cosmetics and beauty products, clothing and footwear, and technology devices.

Consumer preferences and behavior:

Free shipping, product quality, variety, product reviews, flexible payment terms and affordability are the key elements that keep consumers coming back to the same platforms. These factors not only attract customers, but also encourage repeat purchases and brand loyalty.

A significant part of e-commerce activity is moving to mobile devices and applications. Consumers prefer the convenience of shopping through mobile apps, which offer features such as personalized recommendations, easy payment options and offers available only on mobile devices.

The influence of social media and influencers:

Influencers play a key role in driving e-commerce sales. Consumers tend to trust recommendations from influencers they follow, which can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates for e-commerce platforms. The report notes that authentic and credible content from influencers resonates well with consumers, increasing brand credibility.

Consumer trust and safety:

Trust is a key issue in e-commerce. Consumers are concerned about counterfeit products and dishonest sellers, which may undermine trust in e-commerce platforms. Ensuring product authenticity and implementing rigorous seller verification processes is essential to maintaining consumer trust.

Providing secure payment options is crucial to building trust. Platforms that offer multiple payment methods, including secure online payments, cash on delivery and digital wallets, are more likely to gain consumer trust.

Sustainability and ethical shopping:

The demand for products produced in a sustainable and ethical way is growing. Consumers increasingly consider the environmental and social impact of their purchases. E-commerce platforms that highlight eco-friendly practices and offer sustainable product options are likely to attract conscious consumers.

Transparency in supply chains and ethical sourcing practices are becoming important to consumers. Brands that provide clear information about the origins of their products and their sustainability initiatives can build stronger connections with their audiences.

Strategic implications for enterprises

Companies should use data analytics to offer personalized shopping experiences. This includes personalized recommendations, targeted promotions and tailored communications based on consumer preferences and behavior.

Providing a smooth and user-friendly interface is crucial to customer retention. Simplified navigation, easy checkout processes, and responsive customer service enhance your overall shopping experience.


The e-commerce landscape is rapidly evolving, driven by consumer preferences for convenience, personalized experiences and ethical shopping. By understanding and adapting to these trends, companies can increase their online presence, build trust and support long-term customer loyalty.