
Do wireless devices affect male fertility?

Do wireless devices affect male fertility?

Have you ever wondered if Wi-Fi or cell phones are affecting your health? Associate Professor Geoff De Iuliis has been researching this for almost 20 years.

He is particularly interested in the impact of radiation from wireless devices on sperm.

Associate Professor De Iuliis says: “There is some concern about our exposure to these devices, especially since they have become ubiquitous among children.”

He says that since the introduction of 5G technology, which uses higher frequencies (electromagnetic energy) to achieve higher data throughput, these concerns have resurfaced.

Associate Professor De Iuliis says most of the older research on this type of radiation involves poorly designed studies that provide very little information about possible damage.

Associate Professor De Iuliis says the key thing to understand is that radio waves and microwaves – including 5G – are classified as non-ionizing radiation. This type of radiation does not have the power to directly disrupt the molecules in our cells.

Nevertheless, Associate Professor De Iuliis says most research on this type of radiation involves poorly designed studies and very little data and insight into the mechanisms.

He says that while non-ionizing radiation cannot directly his own experiments showed that 16 hours of exposure to energy close to the maximum power of a cell phone can cause a loss of sperm motility.

When you increase this power to 5-10 times the normal performance of a cell phone over a period of 16-21 hours, you will notice increased oxidative stress, which leads to DNA damage.

“Our experiments have shown that non-ionizing electromagnetic energy can cause oxidative stress, a type of chemical imbalance to which sperm are extremely susceptible. Interestingly, other cells in the body remain unchanged under the same exposure,” says Associate Professor De Iuliis.

His research led him to investigate antioxidant factors that provide protection against oxidative stress.

He identified a group of specific antioxidants that appear to protect sperm against the loss of motility, oxidative stress and subsequent DNA damage that occurs particularly as a result of high levels of exposure to non-ionizing radiation. It also leads significantly to a better understanding of basic science, much of which is still a mystery.

He is currently investigating the impact of these molecules Live.