
DOE allocates funds for hydropower and marine energy research

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Hydropower Technology Office (WPTO) announced more than $1.7 million in funding for hydro and marine energy research and development. These funds will support 16 hydropower projects and 12 marine energy projects at national laboratories across the country.

Hydropower constitutes a significant portion of the U.S. energy mix, producing 28.7% of the nation’s renewable electricity and 6.2% of total electricity generation. It plays a key role in maintaining grid reliability as more variable renewable sources such as wind and solar are integrated.

Marine energy technologies, which capture energy from waves, tides and ocean currents, could meet nearly 60% of U.S. energy demand. These resources are highly predictable and can significantly contribute to a stable and reliable clean energy grid.

The funded projects are part of WPTO’s Seedlings and Seedlings program, which aims to support innovative research at DOE national laboratories. Seedling projects will receive up to $100,000, and successful projects are eligible for additional funding of up to $150,000 to continue their work.

This work will be led by researchers from Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), and Sandia National Laboratories.

Full information on selected Seedlings projects can be found on the WPTO website.