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Coleman Hughes worries about Trump’s threat to NATO on CNN

CNN conservative political analyst Coleman Hughes said Trump’s threat to leave NATO made the hairs on his arm stand up Tuesday during a segment in which he also argued that Trump’s saber-rattling could be strategic.

Hughes’ comments came after the presenter Boris Sanchez noted that Trump has been consistent on “the idea that other countries are taking advantage of the United States on trade.”

“And yet his view of some trade deals, even his view of some world leaders and nations, has at times been troubled because of his rhetoric. He talks about having a good relationship with Kim Jong Unsomeone he called Little Rocket Man, just one example. And he’s an adversary, not an ally,” Sanchez said. “I know a lot of conservatives have lamented, at least throughout this election cycle, that they wanted someone to run for their policies, but not him to deliver the message and create a distraction.”

“Trump, when Trump threatens to withdraw from NATO, it makes the hair on my arm stand up because I think NATO is an incredibly important alliance, it’s not something that should be talked about at the slight,” Hughes began in response to Sanchez’s arguments. . “On the other hand, Trump, since, you know, for decades he has seen himself as this great negotiator. And he said one of his negotiating strategies was to threaten something crazy in order to get a result, right? And again, it’s his instinct, it’s an instinct that can be dangerous because you have to be prepared to do crazy things, or at least, you know, South Korea really has to worry about means he’s going to withdraw his troops, which I think would be a very bad idea. But they have to really worry to be able to really react.

He continued:

And from Trump’s point of view, he has to make some crazy threat to get our NATO allies to pay 2% of their GDP, etc. But again, there are these instances where he calls the leader of North Korea, you know, Little Rocket Man, which is such a blatant, flippant, dangerous move, and could have terrible consequences. So there are two sides to this: he believes he can obtain concessions from these countries by threatening them with crazy things. But on the other hand, you have to actually threaten these crazy things. And as the world leader of the most important country on the planet, you don’t really want your leader threatening crazy things.

Watch above via CNN.

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