
Why does Google want to be Amazon?

Conflict is inevitable in emerging markets, and we’re seeing it more and more in e-commerce, already a huge business that picked up nicely during this year’s Black Friday shopping frenzy. On that day, more than 57 million Americans achieved approximately $1 billion in online sales, comScore reports.

There is no doubt that this is a boon . But now Google is showing signs of wanting to eat a large portion of the e-commerce pie. According to TechCrunch, the search engine king spent $17 million on BufferBox, a Canadian network of secure parcel delivery locations. No more stolen packages and notes from the post office about trying to deliver the cool stuff you ordered again.

Amazon has a similar service called Locker, so the competition is clearly heating up. Will the Google Store be next? I answer this and other questions in the video below.

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Article Why does Google want to be Amazon? originally appeared on

Fool contributor Tim Beyers is a member Motley stupid rule breakers stock picking team and mission Motley Fool Supernova Odyssey I. Owned shares of Google at time of publication. Check out Tim’s website and portfolio or connect with him on Google+, Tumblr or Twitter where he goes @milehighfool. You can also get his insights delivered straight to your RSS reader.The Motley Fool owns shares of Google and The Motley Fool newsletter sites recommend buying shares of Google and The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. We fools may not all be of the same opinion, but we all believe that considering a variety of insights makes us better investors. Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days.

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