
“Amazon subscribers especially love dumb devices.”

For several months, Amazon has been expressing its dissatisfaction with France, which has imposed shipping fees for new books. On April 30, the CEO of Amazon France repeated on RTL that he considered this solution unfair. “The Amazon subscriber loves literature, but we saw the website’s home page: he especially likes stupid gadgets made in China,” he replies again. Philip Caveriver in his April 30 column.

“Before purchasing the full Pléiade, I sometimes buy a mermaid tail blanket, an inflatable cow costume, a sexy bib, or even a toilet brush with a face.”Emmanuel Macron on this topic, “These are all basic products sold on Amazon,” he adds, before clarifying.

“This is correct“Overall, Amazon delivery people are great– sums up. But they also make mistakes. I accidentally received an inflatable doll of a Japanese schoolgirl at my address and in my name. Sure, I have the same name in the building. “

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Samantha Arnold

“Web fanatic. Travel researcher. Certified music evangelist. Coffee expert. Uncompromising internet guru. Beer maniac.”