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Belltown Hellcat driver fails to appear in court, $50,000 arrest warrant issued

A domestic violence (DV) case involving his own mother came back to haunt the Belltown Hellcat driver.

Miles Hudson was supposed to appear for a status hearing on the DV incident at Renton Municipal Court Monday morning, but he did not show up. The judge then issued a $50,000 arrest warrant.

The case stems from Hudson’s April 2022 arrest by Renton police. Prosecutors charged Hudson with 4th degree assault for knocking his mother off a chair when she wasn’t making him coffee. Hudson ultimately pleaded guilty.

RELATED | Belltown Hellcat driver jailed again for violating home surveillance conditions

Hudson was ordered not to commit any further violations of the law for the next five years and was summoned before a judge Monday morning for a review hearing to see if he was in compliance. When he did not appear, the judge issued an arrest warrant.

People who live in the same Seattle apartment building as Hudson said they passed him occasionally, and he was known to create a lot of noise.

“The first few months were some very noisy nights here,” said Carl Delaire, one of the tenants. “I just hope it gets served.”

Ryan Dirajlal saw the Dodge Charger Hellcat that Hudson kept in the apartment’s garage and saw articles online about his numerous run-ins with the law.

“I think it speaks to the type of person he is,” Dirajlal said of the latest missed court date. “Not really a person who cares about the community or what’s right.”

Hudson gained notoriety for his Instagram posts where he could be seen driving his Dodge Charger Hellcat around downtown Seattle, which led to a reckless driving charge. He was arrested Friday in Seattle Municipal Court for violating the conditions of his home confinement. According to prosecutors, Hudson left his apartment without permission 21 times, sometimes in the middle of the night for hours.

Although the King County jail roster still listed Hudson as in custody Monday afternoon, a Renton court official told the judge he posted bond Saturday and was released.

Due to Monday’s holiday, KOMO News could not immediately clarify Hudson’s custody status.

Hudson has other pending court cases, including a dangerous driving charge that could go to trial in December. He also faces a stalking charge involving a former girlfriend. Beyond that, he was ordered to pay an $83,000 fine for noise violations related to modifications he made to his muscle car.