
KAMUG answers questions about computing devices | Life

On June 10, the Kankakee Area Macintosh Users Group hosted a tips and tricks meeting, addressed mainly to novice users of computer devices. The group organizers said that a lot of new people took part in them.

“However, as everyone came in with questions, many of which had been unasked for months, we discovered that everyone had something that was puzzling and required explanation or guidance,” said founder Kris Mathers.

It was no surprise that some people wanted to know how to implement Drop Box or Air Play between computing devices. More information about the Air Server and the various options for wirelessly storing photos and files on multiple devices will be coming soon.

There were software demonstrations that included various tips on sorting and numbering spreadsheets, selecting applications, and, of course, tips on protecting yourself from fraud and hackers.

Everyone left with questions answered, procedures illustrated, and a renewed confidence in the ability to make machines do what we, the users, want them to do.

Some may want to emulate Hollywood with DaVinci Resolve, while others simply want to communicate on a higher plane, regardless of their computer platform.

KAMUG meets at 5:30 p.m. on the second Monday of the month at the Bradley Public Library. The meetings are free and open to everyone, and cover all computer operating systems.