
Slovakia distances itself from new WHO health regulations. SEO title: Only Slovakia is a country far from WHO health regulations


Slovakia’s recent decision to distance itself from new amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) has attracted global attention. The IHR aims to prevent the international spread of disease, improve information exchange and improve pandemic response strategies. Despite the agreement of more than 190 countries, Slovakia is alone in its opposition.

The Ministry of Health, led by Zuzana Dolinkova, cited insufficient time to review the amendments as the reason for Slovakia’s decision. The move raised concerns about potential delays in access to key information and vaccines compared with other countries. The decision to break away from the IHR has been criticized by various health care organizations, calling it a regressive step that threatens public health.

The representation of Slovakia at the meeting in Geneva by anti-vaxxer and Slovak National Party (SNS) MP Peter Kotlár aroused even more controversy. Kotlár, known for his skepticism about vaccines and conspiracy theories about Covid-19, was appointed as the government’s special envoy to investigate the pandemic. The choice has been condemned by health experts who consider it a significant international embarrassment.

The Slovak Chamber of Pharmacists (SLeK) and the Ambulatory Services Association (ZAP) condemned Slovakia’s decision, highlighting the risks it poses to individuals and society as a whole. The Association of Private Practitioners (ASL) has highlighted the potential risks to patients and healthcare workers arising from the country’s position on amendments to the IHR.

In response to this reaction, Minister Dolinková announced plans to strengthen the current inter-ministerial working group with experts from various fields to assess updated WHO documents. This initiative aims to ensure a thorough assessment of the impact of the new regulations on the Slovak healthcare system and pandemic response strategies.

Slovakia’s departure from the global consensus on amendments to the IHR highlights the complexity and challenges facing international health cooperation. As the world continues to grapple with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, solidarity and cooperation between nations remain crucial to protecting public health and mitigating the effects of future health crises.