
Kate Forbes promises that the SNP will protect the Scottish salmon industry

The first minister Kate Forbes promised that the SNP would protect the Scottish food industry, such as salmon producers.

On Saturday, he will say that the SNP parliamentarians in Westminster will defend the interests of the Scottish food and drinks against Brexit.

He will visit DFDS Logistics in Larkhall at South Lanarkshire, which is the largest transport company for the Scottish salmon and seafood industry.

At the beginning of this week, the Salmon Scotland trade organization published its own manifesto before the universal elections, calling for improving the relations of Great Britain from the EU and limiting bureaucracy in supply chains in Great Britain and on the continent.

Last year, Scottish salmon exports were worth 581 million pounds.

Before the visit, Mrs. Forbes said: “Our world -famous exports of food and drinks are the basis of the Scottish economy, supporting thousands of jobs, strengthening our tourist sector and leading in British exports – not, thanks to the trading nightmare of Brexit.

“From the moment of leaving the European Union, from labor deficiencies to suspicious international trade agreements, Brexit only meant a disaster for the food industry throughout Scotland, which paid a high price for Brexit, for which we did not vote.

“Neither the Labor or Tories are prepared nor do not want to reverse the damage that Brexit caused our key sector of food and drinks, which is why voting for SNP on July 4 is so important that we can be sure that our world – leading industries not They were forgotten by the Westminster government, which ignores Scotland’s interests. “

In response to the comments of Mrs. Forbes, a spokeswoman for the Scottish Conservative Party for rural areas Rachael Hamilton said: “SNP is not interested in supporting Scotch food, drinks and hospitality.

“This reflects the bad treatment of these industries over the years.

“SNP wants to join the hated common fishing policy and transfer control over our fishing abroad.

“The unsuccessful attempt to implement HPMA caused a shock wave in an important part of the Scottish economy.

“And enterprises from the hotel and gastronomy industry were neglected by the SNP, which refused to transfer reduction of rates adopted by the UK government.

“Nationalists must think that fishermen and processors are fastened with the last button. They will never accept this turn of the case in which SNP is on their side. “