
RN’s Philippe Ballard suggests TF1 or M6 take over France 2 or France 3 to compete with digital giants


Philippe Ballard, spokesman for RN, suggests that TF1 or M6 should consider acquiring all or part of France 2 or France 3 to compete with digital giants such as Amazon and Netflix. It highlights the need for at least one large French group that can compete with these industry giants. Ballard, a former journalist, believes that for this purpose it is necessary to privatize public broadcasting. However, he admits that changes in the law would be necessary for such takeovers to take place.

In a recent interview with franceinfo, Ballard explained that TF1 and M6 could potentially merge with France 2 and France 3, creating a stronger entity in the face of competition from digital streaming platforms. He expressed disappointment with the failed merger of TF1 and M6, which was blocked by competition authorities. Ballard believes that such a merger would be beneficial in creating a more competitive media landscape.

Discussing the technical details of such takeovers, Ballard assured that not all entities in the public broadcasting sector will be privatized. He explained that services such as France 24 and RFI, as well as those related to overseas territories, would remain under public control. Moreover, the proposed privatization will not affect channels such as TV5 Monde and Arte, which have a unique status. Ballard’s aim was to reassure public broadcasting workers that any changes would be implemented carefully and not through sudden action.

Overall, Ballard’s proposal to merge France’s main television networks in response to the dominance of digital platforms highlights the ongoing debate about the future of media in an increasingly digital world. The potential impact of such acquisitions on the French broadcasting landscape and competition from global streaming services adds an interesting dimension to the discussion about the role of public and private media entities in the modern era.