
Large-scale solar energy implementation, challenges and prospects

While the popularity of solar energy as a sustainable alternative to conventional energy is unquestioned, initiating large-scale solar operations in open spaces is not without concerns. The growing solar energy effort is driven by our goal to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels while fighting climate change. However, such projects have their own unique problems

Expanding your solar business

The largest solar companies are opening sprawling locations dotted with numerous solar panels. These companies have contracts with energy suppliers to supply solar energy, thereby increasing their operations.

  • Most of Lawrence County’s 27 municipalities have adopted legislation to rapidly expand commercial solar energy ventures.
  • Local authorities enforce regulations requiring boundaries and guards around large installations. Importantly, these legally binding regulations ensure that panel dismantling and disposal processes are taken into account at the end of each three- to four-decade project.

Potential disadvantages and resistance

Similarly, stakeholders, including property owners and residents, have some concerns about implementing such large-scale projects,

  • A variety of scenic farmlands occupied by huge arrays of panels can disrupt the natural beauty.
  • Potential threats to local wildlife combined with possible depreciation in property prices continue to worry many people.
  • “Afterlife” issues regarding these high-tech devices still remain ambiguous as installed designs become unproductive over time.

Despite their reservations, farmers see this alternative as an attractive financial proposition, especially if successors do not want to take over farming responsibilities. Committing land to such projects could also maintain their productivity, with the potential to eventually restore traditional farming practices once the panels are removed.

Regulatory responses at the municipal level

Several municipalities have zoning ordinances that limit solar activity to certain areas. In cases like North Beaver Township, commercial solar initiatives are limited to industrial zones only. This policy change consequently influenced the aggressive leasing plans and campaigns of companies such as Vesper Energy.

Key elements in solar interpretations,

  • Spatial layout and space between plots
  • Limits on panel height and plot coverage
  • Irrigation management and traffic impacts
  • Notes on battery storage and facility decommissioning protocols

And some municipalities, including Neshannock Township, are facing demands to change regulations to allow such activities even in rural residential areas. However, such changes are often met with opposition from city and county officials.

Benefits and obstacles of municipalities related to the use of solar energy

Switching to solar energy offers numerous benefits to municipalities,

  • Cost savings: During this period, in most parts of the country, using solar energy has become more economical than drawing power from the grid. Savings can be redirected to other areas that require financial input within their budgets.
  • Development opportunities: The photovoltaic industry, currently employing over 250,000 people, offers enormous potential with countless jobs emerging in various sectors, from production to installations.
  • Economic improvement at the local level: The use of solar energy can play a vital role in stimulating the local economy through a cleaner energy approach, while also explaining the benefits of renewable energy.
  • Sustainability: the use of solar energy reassures municipalities that sustainability goals will be achieved by reducing the use of fossil fuels.
  • Resilience: The simultaneous use of solar energy in storage projects can help municipalities prevent service disruptions in the event of energy shortages. Providing protection for vulnerable residents during the crisis.

Setting up urban solar projects

Local authorities may choose to install solar panels in one or more locations. There are two main ownership models: direct and tertiary.

Direct ownership, municipalities cover the costs independently for all photovoltaic devices, thus taking full control of the financial returns from the electricity produced.

Third party property. Another entity owns the panels and collects fees from the municipality for the electricity generated. Payments are distributed between utilities and third-party solar owners through a power purchase agreement (PPA), which is widely followed.

Factors considered for municipal solar projects

When planning this type of urban projects, several important issues should be considered, including:

  • Tax Break Status: The Reducing Inflation Act of 2022 supports municipalities with federal solar tax credits – rates set at 30% through 2032, with additional credits provided for certain projects.
  • Project duration: Due to stakeholder involvement, it usually takes municipalities longer to install the system compared to individual homes.
  • Participant participation: These installations give governments the opportunity to educate citizens about the benefits of using solar energy.

City governments can explore alternatives such as initiating community-led cooperatives and implementing property-assessed clean energy (PACE) programs. PACE helps residents finance energy improvements – including the installation of solar equipment that can be paid off in a short period of time and start generating profits from the beginning.

Final thoughts

While the use of solar energy provides extraordinary opportunities for municipalities, the inherent challenges require special attention through thoughtful planning and legislative measures. By reviewing all parameters affecting solar projects, engaging in inclusive discussions with the community, and maintaining landscape aesthetics through sustainable practices, municipalities can effectively use solar energy to facilitate local economies and create a cleaner environment.