
From Boomers to Zoomers: What each generation wants from e-commerce deliveries

Knowing what your customers want from the delivery experience is an important step on the path to growth in e-commerce. And guess what? Different demographics want different things from you, as we unpack below.

While every shopper is unique, it’s safe to say that certain groups share similar traits. Generations Y and Z, for example, care a lot about sustainability. Baby Boomers, on the other hand, like to know there’s a person on the other end of the phone if they need help.

To see what matters most to each generation, Team Global Express joined forces with Inside Retail to ask over 750 online shoppers what they want from the delivery experience.

While most people agree on things like the security of your online checkout and the safe delivery of parcels, there are some interesting nuances between the generations – which you can use to help shape a delivery strategy that lives up to your customers’ expectations.

Let’s take a look at the research findings. And remember, for a deeper dive, you can download the full report.

Baby Boomers (1946 to 1964): Trust and reliability are key

Born in the post-war era, Baby Boomers grew up in a tech-free world. That said, in recent years, they’ve happily traded bricks-and-mortar browsing for clicks and scrolls.

Question is, how can you cash in on this lucrative group? Start by delivering a great customer experience. The research finds that Baby Boomers seek out reputable brands that offer trusted, reliable customer service, with the majority (68 per cent) preferring phone support with representatives based in Australia.

They also want the reassurance that you’ll look after them. Almost all (86 per cent) say it’s important their packages arrive undamaged. Likewise, 85 per cent care about the reputation of your delivery partner. So choose wisely.

Gen X (1965 to 1980): Free delivery could win them over

Often described as self-reliant, independent and resourceful, Generation X makes its delivery demands pretty clear.

For starters, middle families (those with children aged 10-18) are more likely to judge how easy and secure your checkout experience is, compared to other demographics. So make sure your website’s up to speed.

In terms of deliveries, 44 per cent of middle families want click-and-collect as a delivery option (compared to 32 per cent overall). Generation X is also most likely to rate on-time deliveries and tracking updates as important, and almost all of them (86 per cent) want the option of leaving packages in a safe place.

Finally, don’t discount free deliveries. With 85 per cent of Gen Xers looking for it, this could be just the thing to win them over.

Gen Y (1981 to 1995): Offer a helping hand for bulky items

Most Millennials, as Gen Yers are also known, got their first paychecks around the same time that e-commerce really hit its straps. Many have been online shoppers ever since.

This generation is quick to judge, demanding convenience, transparency and sustainability from the e-commerce brands they shop with. And the scorecard is often negative – 31 per cent experience regular parcel redirections. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to communicate anticipated delivery windows 24 hours prior to delivery and offer alternatives if required.

In terms of delivery options, Gen Ys are most likely to choose express delivery. They also want a helping hand, particularly with things like installation or rubbish removal for things like furniture and appliances. If your business sells bulky items, this could become a stand-out feature of your delivery experience.

Gen Z (1996 to 2012): Express could be your fast-track to sales

Last but certainly not least, there’s Gen Z. The Zoomers have grown up in a digital world. And, like the generation before them, they seek out convenience, transparency and sustainability above all else.

For example, 17 per cent of Gen Z are interested in how sustainable your deliveries are (compared to just 8 per cent overall). To pass the test, you’ll want a delivery partner that’s transparently committed to sustainability.

Speed ​​matters even more than sustainability. Half of Gen Z will avoid using retailers that don’t offer an express option, so make sure to add this to your delivery mix.

Further, with 33 per cent of Gen Z often having to return items, it’s a good idea to review your returns policy and make sure it’s as customer-friendly as possible.

Delivering progress for every generation

Whether your target market falls neatly into one generation, or your product offering spans them all, you have a great opportunity to tailor your delivery experience to meet the needs of each group.

Team Global Express e-Care is here to help, with flexible and transparent options at each stage of the delivery journey. Our direct-to-customer shipping solution delivers confidence, choice and control to everyone from the Boomers to the Zoomers – helping your brand stay out in front.

  • For more tips and insights about how to enhance every stage of the delivery journey, download the full report from Team Global Express e-Care.