
Deloitte ESG Regulatory Outlook Seminar

Deloitte is hosting a seminar on ESG regulatory prospects for non-executive directors and those working in the Guernsey investment funds sector.

The event, which will take place on 21 June, will provide an opportunity to review the latest and significant developments in ESG reporting internationally and in the UK, including IFRS S1/S2 and the FCA’s new anti-greenwashing rules.

Experts will also comment on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) benchmarking the UK’s 20 largest asset managers for FY20.

As well as exploring what these regulations mean for the Guernsey investment funds sector now and in the future, there will be time for audience questions and networking.

The event will be co-hosted by Jessica Hodges, Deloitte’s UK ESG lead investment and wealth management partner, and Charlotte Lewis, Deloitte director and ESG lead for the islands and Gibraltar.

Sustainable investing has become increasingly important in recent years due to growing investor awareness concerned about the environmental and social impact, as well as the associated ESG risks and opportunities in which they invest.

“It’s not just about risk management. By considering factors ranging from capitalizing on the enormous economic opportunities of the clean energy transition to streamlining operations to reduce costs by integrating sustainability measures, investing can achieve efficiency and purpose. Consumer awareness and rapidly evolving regulatory changes are also driving the growth of sustainable investing. said Charlotte Lewis (pictured), Deloitte director and ESG director for the Islands and Gibraltar.