
The latest changes to the Stable Diffusion license are explained

Stable diffusion license June 2024

If you use Stable Diffusion, you may be interested to know that its developers, Stability AI, recently introduced a new licensing agreement for their Stable Diffusion 3 (SD3) model, which has sparked significant discussion and debate in the AI ​​community. The new license includes a monthly fee structure and imposes strict usage limits, raising concerns about its potential impact on small creators, startups and the development of AI technology in general.

Stable distribution license changes

Under the new agreement, creators and developers with less than $1 million in annual revenue, institutional funding, and monthly active users are required to pay a monthly fee of $20. While the intent of the fee is to target startups and online services, the broad language used in the license has raised concerns that it could unintentionally impact all users who generate any form of revenue. This fee structure can place a significant financial burden on small developers and startups, potentially limiting their ability to innovate and grow in the AI ​​industry.

In addition to the monthly fee, the latest Stability AI Creator license agreement also places a restriction on image generation, limiting users to only creating 6,000 photos per month. Many community members have expressed dissatisfaction with this restriction, arguing that it is insufficient for their needs and may even constitute a typographical error. For small creators and startups that rely heavily on high-volume image generation for their projects, this limitation can severely impact their productivity and creative output.

  • The license defines derivative works as any modifications or models based on the base SD3 model.
  • Although the results generated by the base model are not considered derivative works, using these results to train other models is within the scope of the license.
  • This limitation could limit developers’ ability to innovate and build on the existing model, potentially slowing the progress of AI technology.

Another point of contention is the termination clause contained in the contract. This clause requires users to cease use and destroy all models and derivative works upon termination of the license. Many community members consider this too harsh, especially for those who have invested a lot of time and resources into their projects. The potential loss of work and investment resulting from this clause may discourage developers from fully adopting the SD3 model.

Additionally, the license makes license holders responsible for the actions of their customers and users. This provision has been criticized because it places an unjustified burden on creators to monitor and control the behavior of third parties. Fear of potential legal consequences resulting from this liability may discourage developers from using the SD3 model in their projects.

Community response and call to action

The introduction of the new Stability AI licensing agreement has been met with strong response from the AI ​​community. Many consider the license to be disrespectful to the small creators who have contributed to the development and success of the model. There are also concerns about the possibility of future increases in monthly fees, which could further strain users’ financial resources. The community feels that the contributions of small creators are not properly recognized and valued under the new agreement.

In light of these concerns, the community is encouraged to express their views and advocate for a more reasonable and fair licensing agreement. Suggestions for improvement include:

  • Setting higher revenue thresholds for fees to better support small creators and start-ups
  • Recognizing and appreciating the contribution of small creators to the development of the model
  • Increased monthly image generation limit to adapt to user needs
  • Clarifying the definition of derivative works and allowing greater flexibility for innovation
  • Changing the termination clause to protect license holders’ investments and work
  • Reassess the user liability provision to ensure it does not place an undue burden on developers

By addressing these concerns and engaging in open dialogue with the community, Stable AI has the opportunity to create a more inclusive and supportive environment that encourages innovation and creativity in AI.

The new Stability AI Creator license agreement for Stable Diffusion 3 has significant implications for the AI ​​community, especially for small creators and startups. The monthly fee, usage limits, restrictions on derivative works, termination clause and user liability provisions are viewed by many as overly restrictive and potentially exploitative. It is critical that the community comes together and advocates for a reconsideration of the deal, ensuring support and respect for the contributions of all creators. By working towards a more equitable and inclusive licensing model, Stability AI can help continually develop and improve AI technologies while supporting a thriving community of innovators.

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