
FIA accused of manufacturer bias in F1 2026 regulations by Adrian Newey

Adrian Newey, the famous technical director of Red Bull Racing, has expressed concern about the undue influence of a select few manufacturers on the 2026 Formula 1 technical regulations. These upcoming regulations, developed by the International Automobile Federation (FIA), have faced criticism even before their implementation, and Newey drew attention to potential errors in their creation.

Newey indicated that this impact is primarily due to the FIA’s desire to lure new manufacturers into Formula 1 from 2026. This strategy is seen as double-edged; although it could spur growth and innovation, Newey expressed skepticism about its effectiveness given the transient nature of manufacturers’ involvement in the series. His observations suggest that priorities may have been misaligned, focusing more on immediate attractiveness to producers rather than long-term sustainability and competitiveness.

The new regulations introduce a radical change to Formula 1 powertrain technology, requiring an equal split of electric power and traditional combustion engine power. This change is intended to better adapt the sport to contemporary automotive trends.

However, Newey pointed out that these changes may come at the expense of the vehicle’s sustainable design. He revealed that the requirements for an engine designed for near-continuous operation at high power pose significant new challenges in chassis design – challenges that may have been underestimated in the regulatory framework.

Adrian Newey
Red Bull Racing Technical Director Adrian Newey during the F1 Monaco Grand Prix at the Circuit de Monaco on May 26, 2024 in Monte-Carlo, Monaco. Adrian Newey points out FIA bias in 2026 season…

Kym Illman/Getty Images

As explained by Motorsport Week:

“It will definitely be a strange formula because the engines will be alternating like generators almost all the time. So the prospect of working the engine hard in the middle of a Loews hairpin will require some time to be used up.

“It’s fair to say that the engine regulations were created and pushed through without much thought to the chassis. And that creates quite a lot of problems right now when it comes to finding a solution.

“But I think the only good thing is that it actually promotes performance. And I think anything that does it and promotes it has to be in line with what I said earlier: trying to use F1 to popularize a trend.”

Looking at the wider implications, Newey criticized the FIA’s apparent strategy of appeasing specific manufacturers in order to attract new entrants such as Audi, which has been confirmed to join the sport in 2026. While acknowledging the limited success of this strategy, he questioned whether the overall compromises made in legal regulations may distract attention from what can potentially be achieved. He continued:

“The FIA ​​seems to be heavily influenced by one or two manufacturers in the hope that they will appease those manufacturers but perhaps attract others as well.

“I suppose since Audi entered the race in 2026 we have had some success in that regard, but I’m not sure it’s worth the overall compromise on what can be achieved.

“The reality is that manufacturers come and go, with the exception of Ferrari. Teams are the core of the business and of course the main core is the audience.

“It is therefore important that we deliver a good performance and, within that diversity, are well rewarded.”