
Vermont Legislature Overrules Governor, Passing Overdose Prevention, Renewable Energy and Tax Solutions Laws –

LISA RATHKE, Associated Press

5 hours ago

Brattleboro Democrat Emilie Kornheiser, a representative of the Vermont House of Representatives, addresses lawmakers on Monday, June 17, 2024, as the Democrat-controlled Legislature considers overriding some of Republican Gov. Phil Scott's vetoes in Montpeler, Virginia (Sarah Milligan/The Times Argus via AP)

Brattleboro Democrat Emilie Kornheiser, a representative of the Vermont House of Representatives, addresses lawmakers on Monday, June 17, 2024, as the Democrat-controlled Legislature considers overriding some of Republican Gov. Phil Scott’s vetoes in Montpeler, Virginia (Sarah Milligan/The Times Argus via AP)

Vermont’s Democrat-controlled Legislature on Monday overrode a series of vetoes by the Republican governor, passing measures to prevent drug overdoses, limit the use of pesticides toxic to bees and require state-owned utilities to obtain all renewable energy by 2035.

But the Legislature did not override Gov. Phil Scott’s veto of the data protection bill, which was considered one of the strongest in the country. This would allow consumers to bring civil lawsuits against companies that violate certain privacy rules. Last week, Scott vetoed the bill, saying it would make Vermont a “national outlier and more hostile than any other state to many businesses and nonprofits.”

The Vermont House voted to override his veto, but the Senate upheld its decision.

The vote came after the Legislature reconvened Monday to try to override Scott’s vetoes of seven bills. To successfully pass bills, each house needed two-thirds of those present to vote to reject the bill.

Senate President Pro Tem Philip Baruth, a Democrat, thanked his colleagues at the end of the day, calling it “an extremely productive day, a long and exhausting day in many ways, but with outstanding results.”

On the other hand, Governor Scott called it a sad day for Vermonters “who simply cannot afford continued tax burdens and cost increases. “Many will refer to these votes as a big loss for me, but it is actually a huge loss for Vermont taxpayers, workers and families.”

Last month, Scott said the Legislature has lost its balance and sometimes “focuses so much on its goals that it doesn’t consider unintended consequences.” Although he said his veto is unpopular in Montpelier, “I can take the heat when I believe I’m making the right choice for the everyday Vermonter,” Scott said.

The Drug Overdose Prevention Act passed by the Legislature creates a safe injection site in Burlington, Vermont’s largest city, where people can use drugs under the supervision of trained staff and be resuscitated if they take too much.

The center will provide referrals for addiction treatment as well as medical and social care. It will also offer education on overdose prevention and distribute overdose reversal medications.

“The data is clear. “Overdose prevention centers save lives, ensure people have access to treatment, reduce the burden on emergency departments and emergency medical services, and reduce public drug consumption and discarded supplies in our communities,” Baruth said in a statement.

The new law allocates $1.1 million in fiscal year 2025 to the Vermont Department of Health to provide a grant to the city of Burlington to establish such a center. The money will come from a special opioid reduction fund made up of Vermont’s share in a national settlement with drugmakers and distribution companies. In advance, the Department of Health is required to contract with a researcher or consultant to study the impact of the overdose prevention center pilot program.

The first approved overdose prevention centers opened in New York two years ago, according to the Drug Policy Alliance. Rhode Island is expected to open one in Providence this summer.

On Monday afternoon, the state House and Senate overrode the governor’s veto of a bill requiring utilities to obtain all renewable energy by 2035, making Vermont the second state with such an ambitious timeline. Scott said the renewable energy bill would be too costly for ratepayers. Under the regulations, the largest utilities will have to achieve this goal by 2030.

“Renewable energy standards will enable Vermont to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2035, dramatically reducing planet-warming carbon dioxide pollution and saving Vermonters money over time,” Baruth said in a separate statement. He called the governor’s veto an attempt to continue rejecting “critical progress on climate action” at a time when Vermonters continue to grapple with “the impacts of recent climate disasters.”

The Legislature also passed a property tax bill to pay for education that would raise property taxes by an average of almost 14% and create a commission to recommend changes to make Vermont’s education system more affordable. Scott said Vermonters cannot afford double-digit tax increases.

Additionally, the Legislature overrode Scott’s veto of a measure that would restrict a certain type of pesticide that is toxic to bees. The Legislature passed the bill after New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed on last year to what she called the first law in the country to severely restrict the use of neon signs in her state. In vetoing the bill, Scott said it was “more anti-farmer than pro-pollinator.”