
IMO finalizes pilot transfer regulations

The IMO Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR) met from 3 to 14 June at IMO Headquarters in London and discussed a range of issues, including the safety of maritime pilots, improving the security and integrity of AIS, and disseminating information through multiple recognized mobile satellite services under the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).

Arrangements for pilot transfer and amendments to SOLAS Regulation V/23 were agreed

To improve compliance and address inconsistencies and ambiguities in existing regulations, the Subcommittee finalized draft amendments to SOLAS Regulation V/23 and related instruments relating to the safety of pilot transfer arrangements.

The subcommittee also finalized a draft MSC resolution on performance standards for pilot transfer arrangements, including detailed requirements for design, manufacture, construction, rigging, pilot ladder winch drum installation, operational readiness, onboard inspection and maintenance, review and approval in connection to the pilot transfer arrangements required under SOLAS Regulation V/23.

In addition, the Subcommittee finalized the draft MSC Circular on the voluntary early implementation of amendments to SOLAS Regulation V/23 on pilot transfer arrangements.

All of the above will be submitted to the upcoming session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 109) in December 2024 for approval.

NAVDAT performance standards and NAVDAT service delivery criteria were agreed

NAVDAT is a digital broadcasting system operating on selected medium and high frequency bands (MF and HF). It can transmit text, images, charts and data to compatible receiving equipment on ships, at speeds significantly faster than NAVTEX.

The subcommittee finalized new performance standards for the reception of maritime security information (MSI) and search and rescue (SAR) information by MF and HF digital navigation data (NAVDAT).

The Subcommittee also approved a draft amendment to resolution MSC.509(105) on the provision of radio services to GMDSS, which includes criteria for the provision of the NAVDAT service.

Both resolutions will be forwarded to MSC 109 for adoption.

Further work on the implementation of NAVDAT will continue to be considered in future sessions of the NCSR Subcommittee.

Introduction of the VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) – amendments to the SOLAS Convention in development

The Subcommittee continued discussions on the introduction of the proposed VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) into the SOLAS framework, including the development of related performance standards and guidelines.

VDES is a radio communications system in the VHF maritime communications band, enabling the exchange of digital data faster than AIS in the ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship directions, using both terrestrial and satellite components.

The Subcommittee reconstituted the VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) Correspondence Group and directed it to finalize draft amendments to Chapter V of SOLAS, including the resulting amendments, draft standards for the operation of VDES as navigation equipment, and draft guidelines for the operational use of on-board VDES.

The Correspondence Group will present a report at the next session of the Subcommittee (NCSR 12).

Development of guidelines for electronic sailing publications

The Subcommittee established a Correspondence Group on Guidelines for the Use of Electronic Nautical Publications (ENPs) and directed it to finalize the draft Guidelines for the Use of ENPs and report to NCSR 12.

Revised criteria for the provision of mobile satellite communications systems in GMDSS and agreed communications charges for alert, urgent and security situations

The Subcommittee agreed to a draft resolution of the Assembly amending the Criteria for the Provision of Mobile Satellite Communications Systems in GMDSS (Resolution A.1001(25)). The resolution specifies the requirements that satellite communication systems must meet in order to be recognized as a service provider in the GMDSS system, as well as the supervision of these services.

The Subcommittee also agreed with the Assembly’s draft resolution on charging for distress, urgency and security messages via recognized mobile satellite services in GMDSS. The resolution amends Resolution A.707(17), which sets out rules for charging for emergency, urgent and security communications via RMSS, applicable to both land authorities and ship stations.

The above resolutions will be submitted to MSC 109 for approval, with a view to their subsequent adoption at the next 34th session of the IMO Assembly in 2025 (Assembly 34).

Improved performance standards for universal AIS agreed

The Subcommittee continued its work on possible measures to prevent the manipulation of AIS transponders and AIS transponders.

The Subcommittee agreed with the MSC draft resolution reviewing the performance standards for universal airborne AIS (resolution MSC.74(69)), which strengthens the existing requirement to provide the IMO ship identification number as part of the static AIS information (or the “official flag state number” if the ship there is no IMO number).

The resolution also introduces a new requirement to assign a “unique identification number of the equipment manufacturer”, which should also be physically marked on the equipment. The draft resolution will be presented for adoption by MSC 109.

Draft amendments to the IAMSAR Manual were agreed

The Subcommittee agreed to draft amendments to the IAMSAR Manual, published jointly by the IMO and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The three-volume manual provides guidance on a joint air and maritime approach to organizing and providing search and rescue services.

The draft changes will be submitted to MSC109 for approval and will then become effective 12 months after approval.

Ship routing means

The Subcommittee agreed on the following measures regarding ship routes for submission to MSC 109 for adoption:

• revised Navigation Advisories for Container Vessels in the Traffic Separation Systems near the Western Approaches to Vlieland, Terschelling-German Bight, Off Friesland and German Bight;

• areas to avoid off the southeastern coast of Brazil – Santos Basin; AND

• no anchorage near the Hook of Holland.