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„Morgen könnten einige der Top-Gilden rekrutieren …“

The same is true in Lost Ark, as in Throne and Liberty, with more Bot-Nutzer. Amazon Games was the first to solve the problem and created MeinMMO for the problem.

What do you think of the development of Amazon Games? MeinMMO is more successful than the last Zahl von Bot-Nutzern in Throne and Liberty. I have already published the following Maßnahme des éditions gegen die schummelnden Accounts.

Auf When the activities are over and over again, and when the action is taken up, the performance has a negative effect on the influx of wool.

Automatically stopping fair and appropriate play for all players has top priority. We will help you meet all requirements and support, so we can work on the integrity of our aufrechtzuerhalten games.

Some accounts are managed, but Amazon Games does not see them.

Here’s your Throne and Liberty launch trailer:

Throne and Liberty: Behaupte den Thron – MMORPG Launch-Trailer

More videos


Exclusive statement from Amazon Games

How did you use Amazon Games for MeinMMO? After the launch of MMORPGs we have the Gelegenheit, a single fragment and the editor zu stellen, and of course we can also use the themed robots on the theme. Konkret wollten wir wissen, Welche Maßnahmen man plant, um sicherzustellen, cuz the Bots in Throne and Liberty have nothing negative auf the Spielerfahrung der Spieler auswirken.

Daniel Lafuente, Zeichens Globalization Design Lead at Amazon Games, posted this page. Full response from you:

Our company is the integrity of gaming activities for legitimate players that must be taken into account. Old MMOs have robots at their fingertips and Throne and Liberty are no exception. Le Kampf gegen cese bösen Akteure hat höchste Priorität. We also found that the Bot-Videos were showing erroneous images, but they did not show any dates, as they were recorded in the Stadium at the right time.

We will create proactive masses for bot detection on many fronts. We sometimes have issues with bots and RMTs in our other live games having errors, introducing a pattern before getting inside.

Our operating systems and robot systems are more robust than me, but we are also the best at being able to use game systems and Wirtschafts zugrundeliegen systems, the robots have already arrived, so they have been used. If you have the potential to lose weight, a boiler may be damaged, but it should be overloaded.

We have a specialized group of companies, the situation is active and the new management measures are applied. We offer to implement an anti-bot strategy for a combination of technology solutions, sustainability and policy change through our Game Master who will work to resolve issues and create new strategies.

Our goal is that a first scheme gives rise to potential robots to escape and a clear Botschaft for sending – attempts, erfahrungsschädigendes Verhalten in the Throne and Freedom are not tolerated.

How will the Community react to the first Bannwelle?

  • Orions_starz glänzt mit einem Seitenhieb sur Reddit: “Morgen könnten einige der Top-Gilden rekrutieren… Zwinker, Zwinker. »
  • IIIBehaveFromNowOn hofft (via Reddit): “Hoffen wir, dass es zumindest vorübergehend funktioniert. It is a problem that botting without hardware bans stops, if the secondary sector man can create a new free account.
  • kidsaredead is frustrated (via Reddit): “On the server, on my game, I got an Allianz, the 6 volle Gilden in the Top 12 hat. They have over 3000+ Gear-Power, they are equipped with auto-block in PvP and they have better wind management than others. You understand everything, this robot program has been launched and you are still in the game. This robot program is not intended for self-farming.

Ob sich die Situation spürbar verbessert et wie regelmäßig es zu Bannwellen kommt, muss die Zeit zeigen. What is the situation of the robots on each server? Do you need a gaming service? Nutzen die Top-Gilden auf eurer Welt Schummel-Software? Verratet es in den Commentaren! More details: Immer more Bots in Throne and Liberty, Täter see kein Problem: Nur “Programme von Drittanbietern, die Makros ausführen”