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Jährlicher Wahnsinn: Real verkauft Clásico-Tickets at 455 euros

We are in the Clásico on October 26 at the Bernabéu and we have to do it in the gray pocket. And so you don’t have to worry about the Vorjahr, the Real Madrid Fans receive the Rekorde bei den Ticketpreisen zugemutet hat.

October 26 is the Clásico at the Bernabéu – Photo: David Ramos/Getty Images

Ticket prices for the Bernabéu are poorly priced

And more for one euro. The current season was marked by Real Madrid within the Santiago Bernabéu stadium award and was specially highlighted in the best matches.

This is how Clásico fans went on October 26 (9 p.m.) and bought: up to 455 regular euros. For example: In the previous season, the best matches of Manchester City or Bayern have a historic record, and tickets cost between 125 and 445 euros. Give the place of honor to Barça at 130 euros – in one of its corridors passing into the outdoor amphitheater – and I offer you tickets for one euro, which have tickets for a euro note at 455 euros – the stands inside Geraden.

So you are Clasico 2 Real Madrid and Barcelona

Vorverkaufsphasen startnen acht Tage voher

Mit den Preisen wurden auch die Termine für die Vorverkaufsphasen bekannt – wie immer nur noch online in Reals Onlineshop. So begins the transition phase at Real Madrid, on our next day of the game – the board of directors of the “Socios”, also the round 97.000 Mitgliedern, of the Association, on October 18, when purchasing the card Madrid. on October 21 and for the extreme and uncontrollable autumn, the very day of the free beach is October 22. Allerdings: Bei derartigen Top-Spielen lassen die “Socios”, the zudem a n20-prozentigen Rabatt on the Ticketpreise genießen, meist nichts more übrig, sodass an den Folgetagen nur gelegentliche Rückläufer et Stornos zu einzelnen, verfügbaren Plätzen führen.

No more in the Clasico: Last season in Real Madrid’s season

Sowohl über die Preise als auch das Verkaufsprinzip – kurzfristig et quasi exclusive – lässt sich streiten beim erfolgreichsten club du monde, der sich dabei offensichtlich aber auf seiner marktführenden Position ausruhen canann. Now, the big news is that it’s self-described “small” Teams immersed in black, and Tickets are available, was done in Clásicos and Co. noch more gipfelt. But also here: The Santiago Bernabéu stadium will take place on October 26 – either with old “Socios”, but also with old tourists, the best benefits of the “Socios”, your tickets – with postcards, with individual tickets – Zum Weiterverkauf auf Zweitmarkt-Plattformen anbieten.

ACTUAL TOTAL Empfiehlt derartige Platttformen wie Viagogo und Co. notfirst aufgrund la Preispolitik et les Verkaufsprinzips – denn theoretisch “funktionieren” these platforms and fans kommen so in der Regel ins Stadion. And the Real Madrid team has itself made itself capable of other things like this “Sauren Apfel” to be the last, if the fans here have more hands, also a planen and reisen longfristig Buchen zu Können.




Jährlicher Wahnsinn: Real verkauft Clásico-Tickets at 455 euros

We are in the Clásico on October 26 at the Bernabéu and we have to do it in the gray pocket. And so you don’t have to worry about the Vorjahr, the Real Madrid Fans receive the Rekorde bei den Ticketpreisen zugemutet hat.

10/16/2024, 2:08 p.m.