
OpenAI acquires Rockset to improve its AI search infrastructure

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Rockset, a startup focused on real-time search and database analytics, is now part of OpenAI. This collaboration will likely enhance OpenAI’s business offering by improving the technology underlying ChatGPT.

While exact financial details are unknown, speculation suggests that Rockset was acquired for hundreds of millions of dollars, making it one of the most expensive OpenAI acquisitions to date.

Rockset was founded by former Meta engineers who created sophisticated real-time analytical databases that can process large amounts of data efficiently and quickly.

What makes Rockset unique is its cloud-based, real-time analytics database. OpenAI’s enterprise model, including ChatGPT Enterprise, can greatly benefit from Rockset’s advanced query and indexing capabilities.

This means that enterprises can use powerful artificial intelligence tools to quickly index and search their data to improve efficiency and effectiveness. It is also speculated that this move will help OpenAI develop a search engine that will compete with Google, positioning ChatGPT as a strong competitor in the search market.

Rockset CEO Venkat Venkataramani expressed his enthusiasm for the acquisition, highlighting the benefits for OpenAI customers. “We are excited to join OpenAI to enable users, enterprises and developers to make the most of their data by providing efficient data retrieval for AI,” Venkataramani said.

This purchase also refers to the concept of “generation extended search”, a method that combines generative AI with external knowledge sources to increase the precision of AI responses. Integrating Rockset capabilities can improve OpenAI models to provide more accurate answers, thereby reducing the likelihood of errors.

This takeover is perfectly timed. Competition in the field of generative AI is intensifying as large companies such as Google and Anthropic refine their AI models. OpenAI is preparing to leverage Rockset’s expertise in real-time data processing and vector search to expand its capabilities.

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