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Austin wird Zeigen, on the aufwärtstrend trend, it’s true

( – Ferrari is now in the Formel-1-Wochenende in Austin. Nach den zuletzt starken Ergebnissen auf Stadtkursen wie Singapore and the Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecke in Monza stellt sich die Frage: War das ein Zeichen echten Fortschritts oder profitierte der SF-24 our von den specific Characteristiken dieser Strecken? The Scuderia itself is white, the United States grand prix has a faithful response.

News photo: Ferrari: Austin is still there, and the aufwärtstrend trend is the same

How does Ferrari have the high form of the three Rennes with Austin nehmen?



Charles Leclerc, the king of Rennes, constant in the group of soldiers to find war, wants the women to leave. “I agree, dass McLaren vor un sein wird, et Red Bull dürfte ähnlich stark sein,” he said.

Leclerc sees Ferrari heading to the test roll, but after that Austin has a roll of automobiles roll with, for a businessman, Ferrari has the advantage of the Anschluss and Spitze Gefunden Hat: “Yesterday I was in the Eigenschaft des Autos. When we were there, we had a bigger Fortschritte sind, with McLaren and Red Bull on the road.”

Ferrari without updates: Am I looking for an advantage?

Die Strecke in Austin is also a dynamic workplace and offers excellent aerodynamics as well as highly efficient driving and auto repair management. I’m ready to make the Circuit of the Americas a little Spektrum and Herausforderungen. Leclerc did this, because the first test for updates is: “Baku, Monza and Singapore have specific periods. Austin hinge is a versatile line, a clear picture has arrived, and we have development opportunities in the rich Richtung gehen.”

Auch Carlos Sainz engages against the Bedeutung des Rennens. The Spaniard sees Austin as the best test for Ferrari during this season: “I was immersed in life, because the people of the three Rennes were first rich in knowledge, when they had a classic streak like Austin fahren. They saw us, like viel wir wirklich durch die Updates gewonnen haben”, so Sainz.

Ferrari is bringing new styles to Austin, which will be updated during the Monza updates. “Es ist eine Konsolidierung dessen, was wir schon haben,” said Sainz. The stability of the packages allows Ferrari to play into the cards to achieve a race sprint. With a training session for the sprint qualification and the teams, the new tests are carried out, möglicherweise im Nachteil. “It’s very risky, with further testing in a sprint race to do it. We can take our car better and make ourselves better,” Leclerc said.

Sainz: “Dann können wir an die WM glauben”

Ferrari hofft, dass die Performance in Austin a clear answer darauf geben wird, ob die jüngsten Fortschritte echte Substanz haben or nur das Ergebnis streckenspezifischer Stärken waren. Sainz thinks this is also one of the most obvious points for the next seasons: “When we are aware of the traditional traditions of Austin or Brazil, the Konkurrenzfähig sind, then we have an angel in the construction work bright. »

Sollten sich die Fortschritte bestätigen, könnte Ferrari nicht nur in thiser Saison noch wichtige Punkte sammeln, sondern also mit Blick auf 2025 wichtige Lehren ziehen. Leclerc responds to the women’s request: “This is what makes the updates have functions that allow them to be enriched for the next season later.”

Dennoch bleibt Ferrari vorsichtig. Leclerc and Sainz said Austin was a tough probe. “If we see it, other teams with their updates will have a glimpse of what will happen if the Kräfteverhältnis verschieben,” warns Sainz. Therefore, if the Team is ready, the dates will be updated and the results will be clear.

Ferrari fans are also worried about the situation: Can the Scuderia in Austin have the best resistance trends, or does the SF-24 on classic lines portend the downfall of the Konkurrenz? Austin offers answers – and additional information on the next Ferrari trip during this optimal season.