
IFPEA Endorses Minister’s Call for EU Quota Landings in EU Ports

Brendan Byrne, CEO of the IFPEA

Brendan Byrne, CEO of IFPEA, voiced concerns about the current situation, stating, “Strong domestic market demands show that we are not attracting sufficient supply from the EU quota, including the Irish quota. This leads to a reliance on imports when viable alternatives exist. While it is often considered that our quota shares are excessively low, more can still be achieved with the existing quota opportunities.”

Byrne added, “Recent economic data indicates that our fish exports are declining, causing us to lose ground in the global market. The Minister’s proposal to create an economic link between EU fleets and processors could reverse this trend, enhancing opportunities and activities in our coastal communities.”

The Irish fish processing sector’s survival hinges on close collaboration and support from the catching sector. “It’s in everyone’s interest for all fishing industries to work towards maximizing the potential of our fish products. A robust and resilient fish processing sector is crucial for the future of all our sectors,” Byrne emphasized. “Over-reliance on third countries outside the EU is short-term thinking and does not support the long-term survival of the Irish fishing industries. We need to land EU quota within the EU, and Ireland should lead this initiative, as highlighted by our Minister.”

Minister McConalogue has also secured a re-evaluation of the effectiveness of the Common Fishery Policy post-TCA/Brexit, which will assess the impacts of the loss of Irish quota due to the TCA and Brexit quota transfers. Byrne noted, “Developing an economic link as part of this assessment is both strategically smart and economically beneficial for the onshore fish processing sector across the EU, particularly in Ireland. This initiative must be supported from the outset.”

Byrne concluded, “The Irish fish processing sector cannot thrive without the catching sector’s collaboration and support. It’s imperative that all facets of the fishing industry work together to ensure Ireland maximizes its potential from EU quotas, securing a sustainable future for our coastal communities and the broader economy.”

Source: Press Release