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DGTAL Fintech for Generative Insurance AI Agents


The DGTAL, a branch specializing in supporting KI agents, has created a new generation of KI agents (AI agents). These new agents, on the technological platform of the based companies, aim to ensure the efficiency and lifespan of the KI generator in the higher education society. While the recommended Lösung Driller 3.0 updates allow KI agents to find their place in the best product region. Sie sind nach Angabe des Unternehmens in der Lage, komplexe Aufgaben wie die Analysis et Bearbeitung von Schadensakten eigenständig zu übernehmen et dabei mit menschlichen Mitarbeitern zusammenzuarbeiten. With this Einführung will DGTAL den Einsatz von KI im Versicherungswesen auf ein neues Level heben et sich als Vorreiter in der Branche positionieren.

Dthat is to say that new agents KI stellen eine bedeutende Weiterentwicklung gegenüber bisherigen KI-Anwendungen dar. When the generative KI is activated, the KI agent will be activated with digital assistance. You can work in Teams, plan together, and follow specific instructions to define tasks. That said, it is not possible to automate routine tasks, but it is also a complex process within a proper management framework to ensure stability and optimization. Experts see one of KI’s risk management and risk security insurance schemes, which allows them to be able to ensure reasonable risk management and safe underwriting.

Die KI acts without Ermüdungserscheinungen

With the new update from Driller to the DGTAL KI agents directly into practice. Driller, one of the first projects in the generative KI market for program integration, is also due to integrate agents efficiently. The Anwendung can unstrukturierte Daten wie die jährlich bei Europäischen Versicherern eingehenden fünf Milliarden schadenbezogenen Analyzed, structured and relevant documentation Informationen für die Entscheidungsfindung bereitstellen, verspricht der Hersteller. With the Möglichkeit, complete solutions for the work and management of performers, the Driller die Arbeit der Versicherer erheblich. The new update is carried out automatically by the best DGTAL-Kunden and allows you to take full advantage of these different functions.


KI-Agenten has an offer for social security services, with our branch facing the border – from the product manufacturer to the most diverse reactions auf Großereignisse like Stürme or Hochwasser. We have established KI-Agents in the best possible Arbeitsabläufe integriert werden, da sie wie menschliche Experten interagieren et communizieren.“

Arndt Gossmann, CEO of DGTAL

Thanks to the transparency of the retail company, the “black box” of the KI-Anwendungen aufgelöst company is often problematic, but it is absolutely regulated by the retail market.

CTO Richard Hundt listens to the technical innovations of KI agents:


KI agents can create complete sets in specific contexts, interpretations and explanations, falling from the DGTAL in the translation context. KI-Agenten offers German training courses, which teach in the field of work, are neither müde nor beschweren sich nie. Sie sin die perfekten Assistenten.

Richard Hundt, CTO of DGTAL

Teamfähigkeit and reduced Trainingszeiten

These continuous support and solution self-optimization measures enable agents to work in a dynamic environment with the processing machines. The KI-Agenten agency addresses the company management for a reduction in training time, so that you can learn practically and work efficiently and in the long term.

Mit der Einführung der KI-Agenten sera DGTAL seine Rolle als Innovationsführer im Bereich der generativen KI für die Versicherungsbranche bekräftigen. Large technology companies with solutions for other industrial companies have DGTAL which has the new technology in production and is ready to take care of the distribution market. Companies, future deep technology expert services are developed and developed at project level Schaden and Zeichnungsesse thanks to the experience of KI. With its own Platform and the Versicherungswirtschaft zugeschnittenen Large-Language-Modellen (LLMs) sollen Versicherer new Effizienzpotenziale erschließen and die Bearbeitung großer Datenmengen optimieren.two