
Jammu’s electricity situation is pathetic – Statetimes

Omkara Data Tray

Electricians in Jammu are playing hide and seek with the people and the electricity situation is deplorable. The electricity consumers are facing untold suffering, inconvenience and hardship due to the sad state of electricity in Jammu. The consumers are generally paying their electricity charges honestly. In today’s times of heat wave and scorching heat, the hardships of the people are getting worse due to frequent power cuts both in metered and unmetered areas. It is the duty of the Power Development Department to provide uninterrupted electricity to the consumers so that they do not suffer due to lack of adequate power. In these hot summer days when humidity has also increased, the people of Jammu are facing the worst power crisis and people need adequate power. However, adequate electricity is visible through its shortage and apathetic state of electricity; people are facing an electricity crisis which is of an unprecedented nature.
The government has installed smart meters in most parts of Jammu and it was expected that the woes of the electricity consumers would come to an end. However, the woes of the electricity consumers have not stopped but have continued and even worsened due to the ineffective approach of the PDD. The PDD seems to be unconcerned about the power shortage in Jammu and is reluctant and indifferent towards the inconvenience and hardships of the people due to the shortage of adequate electricity. Some day back the government had declared that there will be no power cuts or blackouts in the areas with smart meters and this was only in theory and on paper but in reality there is no respite from the planned and unplanned power cuts which is adding to the hardships of the people of Jammu who are still suffering a lot despite the installation of smart meters. It seems to be an accomplice of the people of Jammu to face the worst electricity problems. It is to be noted that in most areas of Jammu, electricity at night is of no consequence and people are having restless nights due to the lack of adequate electricity. In Talab Tillo area and in Govind Nagar in Gole Gujral area, electricity is playing hide and seek with the residents of these areas and the PDD is in deep sleep and has no time to address the concerns of the consumers and mitigate these problems or at least reduce them.
It is a fact that the demand for electricity increases manifold during the hot summers and PDD should plan in advance how to cope up with the increasing demand for electricity. The government should buy the deficit electricity from the neighbouring states to address the power crisis and cannot allow its citizens to suffer due to lack of electricity. PDD seems to be busy and interested only in collecting electricity bills and charges and is sending inflated bills to the poor consumers who have to pay high electricity bills. However, in return they are not getting proper and adequate supply of electricity during these hot and humid summer days which is adding to the miseries of the people. The government should wake up from its deep sleep and take concrete steps to increase the electricity supply in most of the areas of Jammu as all these areas are facing power crisis and people are suffering due to lack of adequate electricity. The tall claims of PDD that the electricity situation will improve at least in the areas with smart meter but nothing of the sort has happened and there is no improvement in the areas with meter and the power consumers are suffering despite paying high electricity bills and that too on time. The government should wake up and recognize its duty and responsibility and provide adequate electricity to the people especially during night time because it is most difficult to get electricity at night with such scarce electricity. The gist of this description is that the people of Jammu suffer the most during these days of scorching heat and humidity and their problems are getting worse due to lack of proper electricity supply. The government should wake up and pay urgent attention to solve the problems of the consumers who pay electricity bills as honest consumers and in return face only neglect and apathy from the PDD. So the government should pay utmost attention to the woes of the electricity consumers and honestly and seriously try to alleviate the miseries of the power consumers so that they can continue their life easily and without any hassle. The government should understand its duties and responsibilities and save the people of Jammu from electricity problems.
So something of war nature should be done to enhance the power position and provide adequate electricity to the people to provide them some relief and spend their days in summers. The government has no inherent right to impose high electricity bills to the consumers if they are not able to provide them with uninterrupted power supply. So the government should take steps at the earliest to enhance the power position and supply and provide electricity to the consumers without any cuts. PDD should prepare a proper schedule of power cuts for both metered and unmetered areas and strictly adhere to it and implement it so that the consumers can take a sigh of relief. A few days ago a transformer in Gobind Nagar Gole Gujral got damaged and PDD replaced it and within two weeks the replaced transformer also got damaged thereby putting the consumers in that area to huge inconvenience and hardship during these hot days. PDD should give up its bad practice of forcing unscheduled power cuts so that the consumers can get some relief. Moreover, there should be no unplanned power cuts during these hot days at night which would add to the woes of the power consumers. The government should immediately procure electricity from other states to address the power crisis in Jammu and Kashmir. It should provide adequate power supply to the people so that they do not face any difficulties due to lack of adequate power supply. People should also use the electricity supply judiciously and not waste it and cooperate with the authorities to ensure adequate power supply to the people so that they do not have to suffer on these hot and humid days any more. The government must put an end to the practice of hide and seek that electricity is used by the consumers in Jammu. We hope that the government will come to the rescue of the people and provide them the required electricity at the earliest and also deal with the power crisis.
(The author is a columnist, social activist and KP)