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Nach Karriere-Ende mit 31: Ex-Real-Star Varane has a new job! | Soccer

NACH of the Karriere is VOR of the Karriere!

Nur wenige Wochen, nachdem Ex-Real-The star Raphael Varane (31 years old) with his football boot and his hooked Nagel, he threw a new job!

Der Franzose wird im Vorstand von Como Calcio et sich dort in erster Linie um die Jugendarbeit et verschiedene Bildungsinitiativen kümmern.

Dies gab der italische Erstligist am Samstag-Vormittag bekannt. Como teilt auf Social Media mit: “There is a quality of work and training in these new rolls and damit das Kapitel seiner Karriere abseits des Fußballplatzes aufschlagen. »

This star is found from Inhalte on Twitter

Using Twitter and other social networks to interact with these people, you will need to use them.

Varane was arrested in Karriere in September I change from January 31. I am in August who is in the first match of Como Calcio with a cutting edge technique, which must be placed in the square.

Die Ausfalldauer hätte vermutlich mehrere Monate betragen. No matter what you’re looking for, you’ll be able to find the right ones for the first time.

Raphael Varane arrives with Real Madrid in the Champions League

Raphael Varane arrives with Real Madrid in the Champions League

Photo: Getty Images

Nach seiner Entscheidung teilte der Franzose mit: “Ich bin schon schon tausendmal gefallen und wieder aufgestanden, et ce Mal est an der Zeit, aufzuhören et mon Schuhe an den Nagel zu hängen.”

The Innenverteidiger hatte offenbar genug von den vielen Verletzungen in der vergangenen Zeit. This is another musculature service, a provision of springs and an engineering service.

The 93-game French national game can appear on an erfolgreiche racing course. For Real Madrid absolute Varane to insert a 360° game, he goes under three other Spanish major leagues and heads to the Champions League.

A victory-crown against the victory of WM with France in January 2018. Mitte 2024, it will be schließlich zu Como Calcio, for its entry in the 23rd minute.

The first Italians could do well – things will not happen on the square anymore, but they will happen at the strategic level of Ebène.