
Report: Net Zero Work Is Possible in Energy Sector


New research from Engineers Australia has identified five key steps needed to transition from the thermal industry to renewable energy sources.

Conducted in partnership with Mott MacDonald, the research shows that some professionals and communities are already making this transition and with additional support and better coordination, the path to net zero emissions in the energy sector is possible.

Engineers Australia CEO Romilly Madew said these initial findings were encouraging.

“We know that skilled engineers are already taking their wealth of experience and applying it to roles in clean energy areas such as renewables. The legacy of the coal, oil and gas sector is that professionals who worked in those sectors are now contributing to net zero industries. This could be through moving into new roles in the clean energy sector or using their skills to promote sustainable practices in their current industry.

“While many navigate this transformation, employers are providing new insights into what is needed to ensure that no one is left behind and that thriving communities can continue to be hubs for work and families in the future,” Ms Madew said.

The research identified five key findings:

Employment: Research has shown that employers prioritise attitude and skills over specific disciplinary experience, suggesting that transferring skills to the clean energy sector is possible. Engineers moving from roles in thermal to renewables can build on existing skills, while also needing to expand their skills in areas such as stakeholder management, community engagement and negotiation. There are some roles in the electricity industry, such as network engineers, that require years of experience. Transfer between these roles is low and shortages are high.

Geographical considerations: Building clean energy industries in communities with existing thermal energy workers can prevent significant displacement and encourage retention. Engineers are more likely to stay in the profession if they can find employment locally. Remote work and automation create opportunities for flexible work locations.

Engineering workforce: Recruiting from overseas is becoming less cost-effective as global demand for engineers grows. Re-engaging the significant proportion of skilled engineers currently out of work, particularly women, older Australians and migrant engineers already in Australia, is key. Promoting the environmental benefits of the clean energy industry and addressing the pay gap between the energy and renewables sectors can attract and retain a pool of engineers.

Training paths: Integrating sustainability into all university and professional engineering courses, rather than offering separate degrees, can prepare engineers for clean energy roles from the very beginning of their careers. Micro-qualifications can ease transitions between sectors and demystify industry jargon and standards, increasing confidence and competence.

Policy recommendations: Governments can play a key role by better defining job profiles and updating job classifications to reflect new roles in the renewables sector. Policy support is essential to drive innovation, align initiatives across government levels, and implement systemic changes that encourage skill transfer and workforce expansion.

Ms Madew said there was a huge opportunity for political and industry leaders to develop and promote policies that would help ensure skills transfer where investment was already being made.

“Let’s do even better at recruiting, retention, and re-engagement. Investing in people and exposing them to opportunities to leverage their existing skills is key to keeping existing communities thriving. Better training paths and micro-credentials will also go a long way to supporting these career transitions.”

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