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US-Wahlkampf – Kritik an Musks Millionen-Geschenken an US-Wähler – Politics

Washington (dpa) – Tech billionaire and Trump analyst Elon Musk has decided, as part of criticism of his own plan, to get a million dollars and register a Wähler as part of a review by the US federal government. Democratic Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said the push for action was underway. Lawyer professor Rick Hasen argued, Musks in front of his lawyer. The head of Tesla announced his arrival at the second million dollars in Pennsylvania, while the US president took power on November 5.

Musks announced a million dollars (approximately 900,000 euros) “after the purchase price” which registered Wählerinnen and Wähler, a petition filed. This set of measures for “free politics and law enforcement” is one and the word of Musks’ organization “America PAC” in Leben Gerufen. This supports the Wahlkampf camp of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Rechtsprofessor: Angebot nur an registrierte Wähler ein Problem

Now Musks Worten soll the Lotterie der Petition more Aufmerksamkeit verschaffen. Hasen, a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, saw a very serious problem, which is not registered at Wähler. Man könne die so interpreten, dass die Lotterie einen Anreiz zur Registrierung schaffe – et nach US-Wahlrecht sei es verboten, Bürgern Geld dafür zu zahlen, dass sie sie abstimmten oder sich dafür registrierten.

Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro told the American broadcaster NBC, which was integrated into Fragen Dazu, like Musk Geld in the American portfolio. So it’s a direct trip to the pockets of individuals in Pennsylvania. “Das ist äußerst besorgniserregend.”

The first Scheck was at Musk in Harrisburg, then two in Pittsburgh. It is said that there are twice one and two million businessmen and two businessmen in the state umkämpften to bring the petition to the representatives, because “a great Botschaft and our politics gewählten” sei. In Pennsylvania I was registered by Wähler, the petition bearing an amount of 100 dollars. The Bundesstaat wonders what is happening, even if 19 Wahlleute stellt. For the president’s seat, please contact 270 Stimmen von Wahlleuten.


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Musk will mobilize in the Swing States

Musks Ziel dürfte es sein, in the hart umkämpften Bundesstaaten besonders viele Conservative dazu zu bringen, sich for die Wahl zu registrieren zu lassen. Musk supports the Trump Republic by stretching its finances with millions in spending. The documents of the US-Wahlbehörde FEC were the head of Tesla inside three Monaten in tranches for the amount of 75 million dollars (69 million euros) and the money spent by “America PAC”, that Trump took charge of. On the online platform

Trump will be present at the Presidential Parliament on November 5 for Kamala Harris Democracy. Musk, the theory often opposed to Reichweite, supports Trump for a very long time. Chief Tesla can also regulate Harris’ immunity. Trump will expect Musk to take on a war seat and a Gremium for monitoring US-financial relations. Musk takes the Regierungsausgaben kürzen, therefore Trump. The billionaire is often very happy with his comments on Tesla and the benefits of his company SpaceX.

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