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Geldstrafe for Austin at the Streckenstürmung

( – The Austin races were run by the FIA ​​for a €500,000 race, but fans were lucky enough to fund their races. The Allerdings must be transferred to 150,000 Euros, and the rest will be 350,000 euros until the end of 2026.

News photo: Halbe Million: Geldstrafe für Austin nach Streckenstürmung

Fans of Rennen Stürmen meist auf die Strecke in Richtung Podium



The FIA ​​schätzt, the 200 fans of the race had the sequence auf der Start-Ziel-Line between them, as well as the cars today in the Auslaufrunde store. The Fans are over and over and have two meters in the Tiefe gesprungen, bevor sie inen weiteren Fangzaun et eine Absperrung überwindeten.

So, when the Streckeninfestation takes place, it is also possible to follow the FIA’s Sicherheitsprotokolle, weswegen sich die Streckenbetreiber vor den Kommissaren verantworten und eine Erklärung liefern mussten.

When announcing the Kommissare festival, the Association of International Sports Association of the FIA ​​adopted the hat, because “the men of all times ergriffen hat, were for an unknown situation further”.

Until the end of 2026, there is nothing to complain about

This means that the Veranstalter will be transferred in excess of 500,000 Euros. 350,000 will be spent until December 31, 2026 during the presentation, which will be organized by FIA-Events at the Circuit of the Americas to discover this found art. We are the first Malist, so there is something to be said for it, you can start with this Weise.

Photos: Austin: Marc Surer’s reading notes and writing

Until the end of the years, the FIA ​​regulatory body must develop a plan to resolve the problems, so that Schritte is accompanied by a motor vehicle and all other vehicles that are easy to travel on a distance of 5.5 km. ck implied.

Le Kommissare merkten zudem an, dass der Sicherheitsplan der Veranstaltung, den Zuschauern den Zugang zur Rennstrecke ermöglichte, et sich gut umgesetzt wurde, ass die Organisatoren jedoch ainen möglichen Zugangsbereich auf der Hauptgeraden übersehen hatten, der am Sonntag zu men führte.

No other problem

The problem with the device controller is found in the last few days for a very varied theme. 2023 was held in Melbourne due to the problem of network development, while the organizers looked into the issue, so that the national team had an overview of the problem situation.

Melbourne organizers are working to create their traditional invasion of the Albert Park area.

Auch die probleme in aussie im vergangenen Jahr waren not einmalig: Beim Großen Preis von Brasilien kam es zu einer ähnlichen Situation, as well as the fans of curve 1 auf die Rennstrecke von Interlagos strömten, as well as the cars of the country’s flag.

The Commission is committed to providing the FIA ​​guarantee for the FIA ​​safety initiative.