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Wieso Elon Musk 18 US-Wähler zu Millionären macht – DW – 21.10.2024

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Billionaire Elon Musk’s angel also chose Haken.

Did macht Musk – and was that the problem?

The program is such – until the US-Wahl is the best man in the world to get a million US dollars. Otherwise it will be damaged: verlosen. Musk has seen Juli bring in $75 million at the Wahlkampf-Lobbygruppe America PAC, while Rep. Donald Trump has invested in his White House and this top official government appointee. Am Wochenende überreichte Musk person is the first time to Schecks at Wahlkampfe events in two Pennsylvania cities.

Twice there is not an unexpected sending, but there is a political message: the recording must not have arrived in another place, at the indicated e-mail address, and it must be sent to a political petition. Darin bekennt man sich zu den beiden Zusatzartikeln der US-Verfassung, die das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung beziehungsweise Waffenbesitz guaranteedren. Ein Bekenntnis zu zwei Verfassungsartikeln klingt erst einmal unverfänglich. In the current political country of the United States, which is interested in the two radial art projects of the United States, they have also launched initiatives for one-off projects in the torpedoed Waffenrecht law.

The legal choice of the Musks Lottery is made for all points of interest: One day in the Lostopf zu gelangen, the Wähler advisors for the presidency and the congress were registered on November 5 in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, in Nevada, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. or Wisconsin Labor. The United States and the Bundesstaaten are also members of the Swing States, in the even more offensive Rennes. This is where education is expected, from the Republic Donald Trump or the democracy Kamala Harris, from the President of the Republic, and an intensive desire to focus on recovery measures in within the Bundesstaaten.

In Pennsylvania, Musk will be in charge of the Lottery and its registration with Wähler, who filed a petition in the amount of 100 dollars. In any case, Swing States sollen Unterzeichner 47 Dollar for more money available.

Is the Musks Lottery illegal?

This is what you would think is a page visited by American lawyers. Rick Hasen, Jura professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, blogged aboutOn the other side of the ad, Musk said he “has an illegal stimulus plan.” Im Beitrag selbst beruft Hasen sich auf Paragraf 10307 (c) du United States Codealso der Bundesgesetze. Unter anderem see es Geldoder Freiheitsstrafen von bis zu fünf Jahren vor für Personen, die “… entweder für die Registrierung zur Wahl oder für das Wählen eine Zahlung leisten, anbieten oder annehmen”. While two of them received a manual from the ministries of justice for operations around food, the same “Gewinnmöglichkeiten” and the Möglichkeit für illegal Wahlbeeinflussung anführt.

Anti-corruption lawyer Brendan Fischer, a lawyer specializing in the healthcare industry, told Brendan Fischer: “It is possible that two people are behind the legal lawyer , while the agent in charge of the petition with women from Pennsylvania won,” said local agent AP Fischer. “Doch die Zahlungen mit der Wählerregistrierung zu verknüpfen, verletzt vermutlich das Recht.”

Josh Shapiro is a statesman, speaking to Kamala Harris to say so
Forert direct report: Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, himself an observer of Democratic candidate Kamala HarrisImage: Ricky Fitchett/ZUMA Press/photo alliance

The conservative Boulevardzeitung “New York Post” wrote Bradley Smith, one of the Wahlkommissionsleiter brothers: “Ich snow zur Einschätzung, dass er nicht die Leute dafür bezahlt, sich als Wähler zu registrieren. Es ist zu stark abgeschwächt. Die meisten Gewinne gehen an Menschen , die sich bereits registriert haben.”

The governor of Pennsylvania, Democrat Josh Shapiro, has responsibility for Strafverfolger at the moment, help to get started. “I don’t know more about Generalstaatsanwalt von Pennsylvania, sondern Governor, but das wirft ernste Fragen auf,” Shapiro said on the NBC broadcaster.

Is this the case with America PAC?

Elon Musk is the favorite in the millionaire lottery. Officially responsible for the Lobbygruppe America PAC. The PAC is a political action committee in the United States, which is also a political action committee. There are many PACs, which exert considerable influence on interests and which, within the framework of the regime, are the best representatives of the Republic or democratic candidates. Dabei sind direkte Spenden an Kandidaten et Parteien gedeckelt; The PACs can be aber in unbegrenztem Umfang eigene Werbekampagnen auflegen.

Elon Musk stands alongside Donald Trump and an American author
Elon Musk addresses the Wahl Donald Trumps – the hat of the leaders of one of the Wahlsiegs has a star with great political influence in Australian gestures: the effectiveness of beauty is the fact that the president takes care of the administration of the federal authorities.Image: JIM WATSON/AFP

A Donald Trump committed to investing, Elon Musk invested in the US PAC in July – and invested $75 million. Laut einem Bericht der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters war er im Zeitraum July bis September sogar der einzige Geldgeber.

Was it past with the date?

The page was good, with the date passed, the man for the subject and the lottery had to be taken care of. In US-Wahlkämpfen sind Wählerdatenbanken eine wertvolle Ressource: Mithilfe von Addressen, Altersverteilung und anderen demografischen Informationen erstellen Wahlkampffstrategen detailedlierte Plane, in welchem ​​​​Viertel our Zielgruppe mit welcher Botschaft angelsprochen werden soll. Personengruppen, die als überzeugte Unterstützer eingestuft werden, erhalten mitunter auch Spendenaufruf. So the Trump-Lager petition will be available for all related Swing States information.