
ANCYL Free State: Young people passed over for provincial leadership positions

The ANC Free State Youth League (ANCYL) has expressed deep concern over the exclusion of young people from provincial leadership positions.

This sentiment was expressed during a press conference held at the ANC provincial offices in Bloemfontein on Saturday (6/7). ANCYL president Xolani Tseletsele criticised the recent establishment of the provincial Executive Council (Exco), highlighting the lack of representation of young leaders.

“While the ANCYL welcomed the appointment of the new Prime Minister, Cde MaQueen Mathae, with reservations about the exclusion of young talent aged 35 and below, our loud call for the inclusion of young people continues to fall on deaf ears,” Tseletsele declared. “We must ask how Cde Zama Sigwebela, being the only young member of the Free State Legislature from the ranks of the Youth League, was left out without even bothering to inspire confidence in the Youth League.”

Tseletsele stressed that Mathae could have considered Sigwebel for positions such as MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development or the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture. He argued that such appointments would ensure a generational mix in the provincial leadership. He said the ANCYL was also bitter over Mathae’s decision to prioritise Cosatu, following the appointment of their Provincial Secretary Monyatso Mahlatsi as MEC for Health.

He accused Cosatu of contributing to the ANC losing votes in the election by causing instability and promoting anarchy in some municipalities by organising marches that hampered service delivery.

“Cosatu was nowhere to be seen during the election and was one of the reasons why the ANC lost some votes,” Tseletsele said. He called for the Health MEC’s nomination to be withdrawn, suggesting Sigwebel as his successor.

Tseletsele has been an outspoken advocate for the inclusion of young people in leadership positions. He previously made headlines when he was suspended for threatening a resident who complained about potholes on Facebook. Tseletsele, who is also mayor of the troubled Kopanong municipality, apologised to Jagersfontein resident Kalebe Kalebe.

Following the incident, ANCYL Xhariep deputy regional secretary Kamohelo Seleke accused Tseletsele of a coordinated political plot to prevent him from becoming a member of the Free State Legislative Assembly. The claim came after Tseletsele attended an interview for the MEC position.

OFM News/Kekeletso Mosebetsi dg