
Schildkraut: How Chevron Influences AI Regulation | Media Mentions

Peter Schildkraut, co-leader of the company’s Technology, Media and Telecommunications industry group, was recently quoted in Bloomberg Law article “AI Congressional Actions Threatened by Supreme Court’s Chevron Blow.” The article examines how the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Chevron doctrine could affect federal legislation regulating AI. Repeal Chevron subjects agencies’ interpretations of unclear statutes to even greater scrutiny from courts, increasing pressure on Congress to draft more precise laws.

Schildkraut said Bloomberg Law that any AI legislation “that Congress might pass in the foreseeable future would have to be fairly general and therefore open to interpretation. The technology is evolving too quickly for Congress to pass detailed rules if the law is to remain relevant for more than the blink of an eye.” Schildkraut noted, however, that lawmakers could craft AI legislation that explicitly grants federal agencies deference to set rules.

Read the full article.