
Pennsylvania House of Representatives Passes James Bond-Style License Plate Reversing Device Ban

(WHTM) – Drivers in Pennsylvania could soon be banned from purchasing or possessing a device known as a license plate flipper.

A bill banning license plate flippers was passed in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives on July 8. According to Pennsylvania House Democrats, the bill would impose a $2,000 fine on violators if a license plate flipper is detected.

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House Bill 2426 was introduced by State Representatives Pat Gallagher and Greg Scott as a step toward ensuring accountability and safety on Pennsylvania’s roads.

License plate reversing devices allow a vehicle’s license plate to be manually or electronically reversed to another plate, giving drivers the ability to commit a crime without suffering major consequences.

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According to Gallagher and Scott, legal loopholes allow for the use of James Bond-style gadgets to avoid paying.

“License plates are key to vehicle identification, and it’s important that our laws clearly prohibit the use of license plate flip devices that allow drivers to avoid that identification,” Scott said. “These devices can be used to evade tolls, drive recklessly, or even commit more serious crimes without being detected. By banning these devices statewide, we’re closing the loophole and increasing public safety across Pennsylvania.”

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Gallagher said the issue is already being addressed at a local level.

“My city of Philadelphia recently took action on this issue by banning these devices on city property, and now it’s time for the entire state of Pennsylvania to follow suit,” he said.

The bill will now go to the Pennsylvania Senate for consideration.

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