
“Moyo, a prominent figure in Zim’s legal and business sector”

ALPHA Media Holdings (AMH) board member and leading lawyer Sternford Moyo has been described as a prominent figure in Zimbabwe’s legal and business sector.

Moyo died on Friday and is to be buried today at Glen Forest Memorial Cemetery.

During Monday’s service in Harare, Moyo’s aides spoke highly of the lawyer and businessman.

Manicaland and Decentralisation Minister Misheck Mugadza described Moyo as an “outstanding figure” who left an indelible mark on the country’s history.

“Sternford’s legacy will continue to inspire generations to come. His commitment to service to his nation, passion for justice and dedication to improving society will never be forgotten,” he said.

Renowned constitutional lawyer and former finance minister Tendai Biti, who worked closely with Moyo on various projects, praised his “sharp mind” and “unwavering principles”.

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“Sternford was a man of great intellect and conviction. His counsel was always sought and his wisdom was invaluable. His guidance and leadership will be greatly missed,” Biti said.

Professor Lovemore Madhuku, a respected scholar and human rights activist, described Moyo as a human rights defender who fought tirelessly for the rights of marginalised communities.

“Sternford’s unwavering commitment to protecting human rights and promoting social justice has been exemplary,” Madhuku said.

“His contribution to the development of our nation will be remembered by future generations.”

According to the funeral plan released yesterday, Moyo’s body will be moved from the family home in Greystone Park to a mass at River of Life Church, with burial taking place at 2pm this afternoon.

Moyo was chairman and senior partner of Scanlen & Holderness and a past president of the Sadc Lawyers’ Association and the Zimbabwe Bar Association.

He was also a former president of the International Bar Association (IBA), becoming the organization’s first president of African descent, a position he held from 2021 to 2022.

Previously, he served as co-chair of the Institute for Human Rights and the African Regional Forum at the IBA.

In 2022, Moyo was awarded the title of Honorary Mayor of the City of London for his commitment and contribution to the development of the international legal sector.

That same year, he spoke at the opening ceremony of the IBA annual conference, saying that “Africa should not be left behind” in terms of economic development, and also spoke at the 2019 conference.

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