
HomePod successfully alerted family to potentially fatal dog fire by sending critical notification to their devices

It’s not just the Apple Watch that’s alerting owners to the warnings, as in this case, the Apple HomePod can be credited with saving a family from a life-threatening kitchen fire when the dog’s curiosity got the better of them. The smart speaker sent alerts to the family’s devices, keeping them informed of the situation and saving their lives.

Alerts sent to family members’ devices via HomePod allegedly reported a “high temperature” caused by a kitchen fire

The Colorado Springs Fire Department posted a video on Facebook showing the interior of the room and the beginning of the fire. The family’s dog was exploring boxes placed on the stove when he accidentally turned on one of the heating elements, unaware of the danger the family was in. The camera footage shows the stovetop was ablaze and flames quickly reaching the ceiling.

Thankfully, reports claim that there were no serious casualties, but one family member had to be taken to a local hospital due to smoke inhalation. As for how the family was alerted, the fire was likely caused by the HomePod heating up, which allegedly began to warn the home’s occupants via their devices about the “high temperature.” Smart speakers typically don’t overheat, but Apple engineers had the foresight to implement this feature.

It’s important to note, however, that the alerts only go out to iPhones or iPads, so if the family had any other device, it would be their unlucky day. AppleInsider reports that the second-generation HomePod and HomePod mini have built-in microphones to listen for smoke and detect CO2, which likely triggers the alerts.

This time, the family’s fortune hit the jackpot, but the Colorado Springs Fire Department is advising homeowners to install smoke detectors inside and outside every bedroom. It’s not every day that a device warns of impending dangers, and knowing technological products, they can fail at any moment, even if they’re made by trillion-dollar companies like Apple.

News Source: Colorado Springs Fire Department