
ADM offers soy that meets upcoming EU deforestation regulations

In the face of upcoming EU deforestation regulations, ADM offers European customers fully verified, segregated and tracked soybean meal and soybean oil.

ADM offers fully verified, segregated and tracked soybean meal and soybean oil to meet the needs of European customers as EU deforestation legislation comes into force on 30 December 2024.

“Thanks to the critical commitment of our farmer network, as well as our dedicated U.S. elevators and dedicated transportation and logistics capabilities, we are positioned to supply all of our existing customers in Europe with soybean meal and soybean oil as soon as the new regulations come into effect later this year,” said Sebastian Kuck, CEO EMEA Soy Crush.

In March, ADM launched its fully traceable North American soybean program, re:source™, which has enrolled nearly 5,300 farmers covering more than 4.6 million acres in 15 states for the 2024 season. The program leverages cutting-edge technology—including the FBN® Gradable digital platform—as well as ADM’s provenance and transportation capabilities to verify, track and segregate participating grain from farm to final destination. The company will leverage TRACT, an industry-led joint venture’s sustainability measurement platform, to provide its customers with enhanced traceability solutions throughout the supply chain.

Outside of North America, ADM continues to work with other key regions to pilot soy crushing and exporting both soybean and soy meal to the EU through fully traceable and segregated supply chains.

“While the industry is still awaiting final guidance from the European Commission on implementing the requirements of the EU Deforestation Regulation, this program will ensure that we can continue to provide American farmers with choice and the ability to add value by supplying global markets, while meeting the needs of our customers through ADM’s fully dedicated and unbundled supply chain,” said Jon Turney, President, EMEA Oilseeds.