
Takeover by parent company Van Iperen

Thesis BV, headquartered in Westmaas, wants to acquire the companies “Agro Science” AgroBuren BV, R. van Wesemael BV and WPA-Robertus Zeker & Vast BV from Wesemael Group with retroactive effect from 1 January 2024. Following approval by the ACM (Authority Consumer & Market), these companies will continue to operate as independent entities under their own names under the Thesis name. The companies “Plant Support”, “Automotive” and “Investments” from Wesemael Group are not part of the transaction. Thesis currently includes the companies Van Iperen BV, Van Iperen International BV, Transterminal Dordrecht BV and Euroliquids BV.

Both Thesis and Wesemael ‘Agro Science’ play a role in advising and supplying products for the nutrition, strengthening and protection of their customers’ crops in the agricultural sector. According to Thesis, the Wesemael ‘Agro Science’ companies and the Thesis organization complement each other well in terms of geographical coverage. Wesemael ‘Agro Science’ has branches in Apeldoorn, Biddinghuizen, Dedemsvaart, Hulst, Opheusden, Schagerbrug, Tiel, Warffum, Westerbork and Winschoten. The Wesemael ‘Agro Science’ companies currently employ around 100 people.

“We believe in a future-proof company operating in a strong agricultural sector. This move expands our team with a group of experienced employees and, with the new branches, we will further optimise our geographical reach. This allows us to continue to do what we do best on a larger scale: advising growers on how to grow crops in a future-proof way,” says Dirk-Jan Bakker, Managing Director at Thesis.

“Thesis shares our standards and values, we fit together. For this reason, I am also looking forward to continuing our cooperation,” says Boudewijn van Wesemael, Managing Director of Wesemael Group.

According to both parties, the acquisition creates opportunities for further cooperation and employee development. Investments in research, knowledge and technology in precision farming and fertigation, for example, become available to customers of all companies involved in the transaction. The same applies to investments in digitalization and sustainability. In addition, the companies can further optimize their logistics and transport.

For more information:
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Wesemael Group
(email protected)