
Former Jersey Post chief executive to lead group

A FORMER Jersey Post chief executive has been appointed as the company’s new chairman.

Business leader Kevin Keen will replace Alan Merry, who served three terms in the role from 2015.

Mr Keen will join the company’s board at the end of this month following what has been described as a “thorough” recruitment process overseen by the Jersey Appointments Commission.

Over the years he has held a number of senior management positions within companies including Chief Financial Officer of Le Riche Group, Managing Director of Jersey Dairy, Chairman of Jersey Water and CEO of Jersey Post.

Mr Keen was awarded the Order of the British Empire (OBE) for services to the community.

Outgoing chairman, Mr Merry, said: “It has been an honour to serve as chairman of Jersey Post Group.”

He added: “I am delighted to hand over the reins to Kevin who knows both the business and the Island well and is passionate about the role the group plays in serving the people of Jersey.”

Mr Keen said: “I am very proud to have been elected to succeed Alan as Chairman of Jersey Post Group.

“Having been CEO from June 2011 to July 2014, I know how special and important this company and its people are to Jersey and I look forward to playing my part in its future.”

Jersey Post chief executive Mark Siviter said Mr Merry’s “support and advice have been invaluable to me since I joined two years ago” and added: “I wish him all the best for the future.”

Mr. Siviter continued: “I would also like to congratulate Kevin on his appointment and welcome him back. His understanding of the business will help us greatly as we build our future direction.”