
The Montgomery County Council will hold public hearings on July 16 and July 30, 2024.

The Montgomery County Council will hold public hearings on Tuesday, July 16 and Tuesday, July 30, 2024. Full details below courtesy of Montgomery County:

The County Council will hold public hearings to hear testimony on new issues brought before the Council, namely:

July 16, 2024 at 1:30 PM

The deadline for registering to speak is July 15 at 2:00 p.m.

July 30, 2024 at 1:30 PM

The deadline for registering to speak is July 29 at 2:00 p.m.

A complete list of upcoming public hearings is available on the Council Calendar. See the Public Hearings FAQ for additional information.

To give evidence in person or remotely at the live public hearing at the council office building, residents must register in advance on the council website. Residents can also choose to provide pre-recorded written, audio or video testimony or submit their testimony by post.

Mail testimony to County Council, 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville, MD 20850; or residents can sign up to testify remotely by phone (call 240-777-7803 for information). To provide feedback, call 240-777-7900.

The Board meeting schedule may change from time to time. See the current Board and Committee agendas, Board staff reports, and additional information on items scheduled for Board review on the Board website.

The public hearings will be broadcast live on County Cable Montgomery (CCM) on Xfinity channels 6 and 996, RCN channels 6 and 1056, and FiOS channel 30. The live stream will also be available on the Council website, on Facebook Live (@MontgomeryCountyMdCouncil or @ConcejodelCondadodeMontgomery), or on YouTube (@MoCoCouncilMD).