
LUM EBIKE proposes Spain as the centre of its expansion in Europe and…

The electric bicycle brand LUM EBIKE has chosen Spain, and specifically Madrid, as the location for its European premiere. The company, represented by the Spanish company NI HAO CONECTA, plans to establish an electric bicycle factory in Spain and thus generate value and increase employment in our country.

In this way, the Chinese company presented its proposal for the European market, the aim of which is to provide the cities where it is implemented with an option adapted to the current needs of residents, promoting sustainable micromobility thanks to the long battery life of the bikes, which is longer than the market average. In addition to its avant-garde design, this e-bike model designed by LUM reaches speeds of up to 25 km/h with a power of 250 W.

From left to right: David Márquez, CEO of Madrid Innovation Driven Ecosystem, Joanna Shen, Marketing Director of LUM EBIKE, James Nicholson, Vice President of LUM EBIKE, Laura González Escallada, Founder and Partner of NI HAO CONECTA (NHC) and Eduardo Abadía, Executive Director of the Spanish Franchise Association (AEF)

During a presentation in Spain, Spanish economic and business leaders reflected on the challenges and opportunities of electric mobility for the development of sustainable cities in the context of China and Ibero-America at the Pons Foundation. The brand presentation included reflections economist and professor of economics at the University of Alcalá, José Carlos Díez, former candidate for mayor of Madrid, member of the board of CEOE, representative of the Luxembourg and Abu Dhabi wealth funds and president of the Friends of China Association, Professor Antonio Miguel Carmona, Secretary General of FIJE and Secretary General of CEAJE, Antonio Magraner, legal advisor of LUM EBIKE, Łukasz Sosnowski and founder and partner of NI HAO CONECTA, Laura González Escallada.

As part of its international expansion plan outside of China, together with NI HAO CONECTA, the LUM EBIKE brand has launched an international exploration activity where, in addition to the opportunity to present the brand in Madrid, the brand’s management traveled to Madrid and Frankfurt to meet face to face with various key players in order to properly develop its global expansion. The company’s main objective is the production of electric vehicles and the joint development of a three-in-one charging station (for bicycles and electric cars to switch electricity and charge cars).

From left to right: former candidate for mayor of Madrid Professor Antonio Miguel Carmona, FIJE Secretary General Antonio Magraner, NI HAO CONECTA founder Laura González Escallada and economist José Carlos Díez.

“Let LUM illuminate your life.” This is LUM EBIKE’s motto. For both environmental and social reasons, electric bikes have become an essential part of our daily lives. In a difficult market landscape, LUM EBIKE is set to enter the Spanish market in the second half of 2024 through NI HAO CONECTA (NHC), an entity specializing in public and private affairs between China and Latin America.