
Musk’s Neuralink device requires skulls to change shape

Musk-friendly press reports the glass is half full

Elon Musk’s brain chip company Neuralink must take risk-mitigation measures, such as modeling the skull and lowering blood carbon dioxide levels to normal levels in patients.

While most of the press may have a problem with a product that requires the skull to be cut open to prevent death from carbon dioxide poisoning, it looks like Musk has been given a chance to get out of jail free.

Only one article mentions that the new version of the device requires half of the electrodes to be implanted in the brain, making it more efficient and effective.

Neuralink is taking these mitigation measures after the first participant in the device’s test encountered problems with the tiny wires in the implant. And while those problems were occurring, his high scores in computer games increased. So there’s that.

But the question remains why Neuralink, an extremely invasive surgical technique that killed many animals during testing, is making headlines while competitors like Mindmaze, get better results using technologically advanced hair nets that do not require surgery are not considered.