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“Gott is my untakuma”: Hoffnung campaign in Steyr

The “Gott is ma untakuma” action ends at the end of October in Upper Austria. Acht Menschen berichten in kurzen Videos, as their life turned out to be that of the young Steyrer David Kleinbruckner. Seine bewegende Geschichte cann auf angelesehen werden. At a Meet & Greet on November 3 at the Reitoffer and at the Alpha launch event on November 23, the experience is the best, in the ideal atmosphere for people and their Fragen zu stellen.

STEYR. Women and men in Salzburg will come in 2021 in their stories with Gott, under the plate with the announcement “Gott is my untakemma” during the click on this topic. 2022 waren es fünf Tiroler, denen Gott “untakemmn isch”. The testimonies of residents of Salzburg and Tyrol were broadcast on YouTube in the summer for more than 1,400,000 million euros in Österreich. Jetzt ist Oberösterreich dran: Sechs Oberösterreicher werden ihre Geschichte erzählen von Gott, der ihnen überraschend “untakuma is” and also a Steyrer ist dabei.

Description of the Hoffnung

From October 21 to November 10, 2024, it will be suspended in the Bundesland OÖ under Straßenecken, in escape zones, Bushaltestellen or highways. Film trailers, live events, social media, online advertising, news articles – all the articles you find in the videos on the YouTube channel and on the website will help you find it. Während this time veranstalten Kirchengemeinden, Pfarren and Organizationen vor Ort in this region Events unterschiedlichster Art, an interested man einzuladen. In Steyr, the AGAPE Gemeinde, the Baptisten Gemeinde Steyr, the Evangelische Kirche, the Mennonitische Freikirche, the Adventisten-Kirche and the Freie Christengemeinde Steyr an der Aktion are present in Steyr.

Meet & Greet Gottesdienst on November 3

The Freie Christengemeinde Steyr will present itself today at a Meet & Greet Gottesdienst with two end-of-year celebrations on Sunday, November 3 at 10 a.m. in the Reithoffer-Saal within the city agency of Steyr and at the event Alpha Launch Livestream with David Kleinbruckner at the café “das Ufer” in Steyr on Saturday, November 23 at 6:30 p.m. Am Programm steht neben einem Austausch vort die Übertragung un Live-Sendung, bei der weitere “Gott is ma untakuma” Geschichten-Erzähler zu Wort kommen. There is also information near the Alphakurs terminal in Steyr, a queen of Treffen, at Gott, das Leben, Glaube and Sinn ist, Gespräch kommt.