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2:5 to 2:0-Führung: Nach Real-Debakel steht BVB-Coach Sahin in der Kritik


2:5 to 2:0-FührungAfter Real-Debakel is the BVB coach Sahin in the criticism

First dominant, then Hilflos. Trotz had a 2:0-Führung of the BVB in Madrid up to 2:5 under and achieved the revenge for the Champions League final. What is the gap with the trainer strategy program?

Nuri Sahin’s original song has even more to say. Mit ernster Miene et leerem Blick suchte de Dortmunder Trainer nach Erklärungen für die am End Krachende 2:5 (2:0)-Lower bei Real Madrid. The viel Fragen, with their intervention on a defensive tactic in a 2:0 position for the BVB, in a match within the Mannschaft, had to face the Frust of the football players.

“When the man verliert and fünf Tore kassiert, cann man das natürlich sagen,” replied the 36-Jährige zunehmend gereizt, “after I have said nothing, it is the shift of the system. » Gleichwohl wollte er sich nicht vollends aus der Verantwortung stehlen: “Am Ende ist es nicht aufgegangen. Das ist dann auch mein Fehler, dem ich mich stellen muss.”

Sahin in the middle of the debate

The Massacre of Sahins, in the 55. Minute Abwehrspieler Waldemar Anton for the Angreifer Jamie Gittens, arrived and on a Fünferkette umzustellen, sorgte for a deutlichen Bruch in his last Borussia match. Nur sieben Minuten später glich Real by Tore von Antonio Rüdiger (60. Minute) and Vinícius Júnior (62.) aus. Weitere Tore von Lucas Vásquez (83.) and Vinícius Júnior (86./90.3.) besiege the Dortmunder Niederlage.

But now it’s the middle of the road and there’s a debate on some of the people we’re talking about, and it’s all over the Internet with its old Kritik. Sebastian Kehl started the trainer demo on the page. For the sports director, the training program is aimed at the tactical training of coaches, as well as the training of professionals: “Throw a little more tactics to reden, but you have a sin, but in the second time, the group is not more precise and is not like in the first. Halbzeit.”

Kehl discovers the high quality of the Spanish Starensembles, for his own quality back, as follows: “We explained things in the break, so that another game in another game, the real is not auf sich sitzen “Lassen wird, deutlich höher stehen und deutlich mehr Druck aufbauen wird”, says Kehl, “das hat uns dann schnell eingeholt.”

Schmerzhaftes Déjà vu

So Borussia is a déjà vu. Now, in the Champions League final, Monate is ready to wage war on London’s Wembley Stadium and the Fußball-Tempel Bernabeu in the first half of the best Mannschaft, which is going to end in the last minute of the capital. Also Tore von Donyell Malen (30.) and Gittens (34.) love Happy End.

The delay in this fall, for everyone and for the most obvious defensive instability, is also the same in everyday life in the Bundesliga-Wochen Frust bereitet hatte. Gregor Kobel had the opportunity to engage in such an enterprise, but he is not yet in contact with the tactical debate on a serious matter. “Die Auswechslungen sind nicht mein Thema. This is exactly what happens directly during the game. Du kriegst hier fünf Dinger rein. We need to be more efficient, we recommend that you continue to communicate with BVB-Torhüter.

Volle Konzentration in Augsburg

In the Champions League, the Dortmund this Schwäche – mit Ausnahme des Einbruchs in der spanischen Hauptstadt – bisher halbwegs verkraften. The Mannschaft found themselves on the occasion of the victory of Brügge (3:0) and Celtic Glasgow (7:1) today and could have a Heimsieg in Graz on November 5.

Doch in the Bundesliga braucht es vor german auswärts dringend more Defensivstärke, damit der Tabellensiebte nicht noch weiter abrutscht. Deshalb schwor Sportdirector Kehl die Mannschaft noch im nächtlichen Madrid auf das kommende Spiel am satag beim FC Augsburg ein: “It’s a strong theme in the Kabine. This is why the Champions League is no longer at the Hut and is not organized in Augsburg. The game is a woman who is interested in him, it was here that he passed.”