
Apple is reportedly planning a complete overhaul of the design of its Apple Watch.

A new patent filed by Apple shows a smartwatch that is very different from the already known Apple Watch. More rounded edges, a continuous and flexible screen, in short, a great breath of change.

Since its launch in 2015, Apple Watches have always featured a square shape, which has become a hallmark and distinguishing feature of the brand.

However, the smartwatch space has exploded since then, and Apple is facing more competition than ever before. Perhaps this realization is what is driving them to change their product design and innovate even more, who knows.

Compare the patent drawing of the new Apple Watch modelCompare the patent drawing of the new Apple Watch model

Looking at the patent drawing, it’s impossible to guess that this is actually an Apple Watch.

wrist-mounted display

When you look at the diagram of the patent filed by Apple, what is striking is the lack of a boundary between the central display and the strap surrounding the wrist.

Why? Simply because there is none. The watch is completely covered by a continuous display.

The document accompanying the patent states: “Examples of this system include wearable, foldable, and rollable displays.”

On the other hand, there are still some issues to be resolved, such as the fact that these types of screens tend to deteriorate faster when exposed to oxygen.

This is one of the aspects that significantly shortens the life of the device. When it comes to the feature we count on when buying a technological product, it is precisely this that it serves for a long time.

In short, beyond this patent, there is no information on when Apple will decide to implement this new design, if it indeed does so.

It must be admitted that this would be surprising for the company, considering the fact that it prefers to introduce small, gradual changes rather than propose more radical changes all at once.

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