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So we go Bioabfälle zu new Wertstoffen

The Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB in Stuttgart has established a biorefinery injection plant − thanks to a leadership of the State Ministry for Environment, Climate and Energy of Baden-Württemberg together with the Landes and the European Union. In these services, the larvae of black soldiers organize remains and bioabfälle and produce dabei begehrte Wertstoffe, for example. B. for the chemical industry. After three years of research and the »InBiRa« project is not that simple. This company is led by the Fraunhofer-Forschenden and its partner within the framework of a project conference. Your opinion: The Pilotanlage has created a new, unique platform for innovative technical products.

What do you have to offer in terms of resources and biofuels in terms of gastronomy and bioton? Jedenfalls should not apply to everyone as Biomüll entsorgt and beispielsweise kompostiert werden. It wasn’t easier, but so were the resources available. Möglich machen es larven der Schwarzen Soldatenfliege: Sie vertilgen die Abfälle nicht einfach nur, sie produzieren bei ihrem Wachstum Wertstoffe, die für die Industrie interesting sind − Proteine, Fette oder Chitin, aus denen Folgeprodukte hergestellt werden können. The Fraunhofer IGB in Stuttgart launched the “InBiRa” project for three years for the first time in a biorefinery insect control plant, with the mast, verification and exploitation of the insects in the pilot laboratory.

On October 21, 2024, the Fraunhofer IGB launched partner projects, projects and projects within the policy with similar action potential − e.g. B. aus der Abfallwirtschaft − zur InBiRa-Abschlusskonferenz ein. An institute in Stuttgart does not have a single overview of the projects and it seems that the last pilot project takes place during the year. Bei dieser Gelegenheit zog Projektleiterin Dr.-Ing. Susanne Zibek from the Fraunhofer Institute IGB of the Biotechnology Research Group in the field of industrial innovation in biotechnology, reflected on three years of intensive research studies: “With our biological refinery facilities, we have high quality products and premium organic products. Amit erstmals eine heimische Quelle für kurzkettige Fette erschließen, die tropische Fette in vielen Anwendungen ersetzen könnten.«

Komplexer Prozess: What is the function of a biorefinery?

Im Rahmen de la Conference ging Zibek insbesondere auf die Complexität der aufgebauten Pilotanlage ein. »Grundsätzlich ähnelt das Prinzip einer Bioraffinerie dem einer kassischen Erdölraffinerie«, therefore the promotion of Chemieingenieurin. »Auch hier wird ein Rohstoff mit komplexer Zusammensetzung in seine einzelnen Bestandteile aufgetrennt.« In der InBiRa-Anlage werden alle benötigten Prozessschritte im Pilotmaßstab abgebildet. At the beginning of the larval mast (of “farming”), the process of processing fruits and proteins (primarraffination) extends further and extends to the exploitation of jewelry created by baked goods (second refining).

The three projects of the year were intensively developed and intensively evaluated. »Dafür haben wir ca. 20 The defined procedures, the implementation techniques for the prerequisite security structures and the rules for the piloting of the IGB anschafft − must be described as the complexity of the services,” said Zibek.

Biorefinery with great potential, a technical product nachhaltig herzustellen

Konkretstehen am Ende chemische Grundstoffe – sogenannte Plattformchemikalien – for Kraftstoffe, Kosmetika, Reinigungsmittel, Kunststoffe or other Pflanzendünger. The list of the best solutions is in its language. The biorefinery plant also offers enormous potential for environmental transformation in a bioeconomy basis, as planned in Baden-Württemberg’s national bioeconomy strategy.

Baden-Württemberg has implemented a bioeconomic analysis which, in the future, fights the interests of national politics and also engages on a large scale. Allen voran nahmen Vertreterinnen et Vertreter aus dem Ministerium for Umwelt, Klima and Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg, le Landesministerium für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum et Verbraucherschutz sowie von der Europäischen Kommission an der Abschlusskonferenz teil.

The Ministry of the World of Baden-Württemberg supports the construction of the InBiRa-Anlage am Fraunhofer IGB together with the Mitteln des Landes and the European Fund for Regional Entwicklung (EFRE), within the framework of the EFRE programs “Bioeconomy – Biorefinery for the creation of Rohstoffen aus Abfall und Abwasser – Bio-Ab-Cycling“ already in progress.

Stimulating politics: protective measures through the EFRE-Förderung von Land und EU

Thus, Dr. André Baumann, State Secretary of the Ministry of the Environment, was led by them, was in the three years of the Stuttgart research institute saying: “I have this project with great interest and I was born from high research research. This is a modern topic: A biological refinery plant offers great potential for the exploitation of sustainable, high-quality products and offers interesting cleaning options. that is, the biological sector of the economy is always up to a problem that occurs from large human resource management companies and storage technologies according to your needs. While the state follows this process, it must focus on financial guidelines such as the InBiRa project, as well as on the national bioeconomy strategy or on certain measures for the implementation of the passende regulation.

The center of the EFRE program was effectively designed by Nicolas Gibert-Morin, who is also the EU Vertier at the InBiRa conference in the Swiss state city’s Angerist war. » The European Commission supports the biorefinery plant project with EFRE: very innovative, growth-oriented and resource-efficient. We are frequently confronted with the abschluss erfolgreichen of projects and sind management, as is the case, with a market product.«, according to the Leiter des Referats REGIO F.2, Generaldirektion Regionalpolitik und Stadtentwicklung (DG Regio), der EU Commission.

Project partner discussed at the Zukunft der Insekten-Bioraffinerie study conference

Neben dem Fraunhofer IGB, dem die Coordination des Projekts under leitung von Dr.-Ing. Susanne Zibek is responsible for the InBiRa project and is also a research and industry partner. Thus, the Institute for Environmental Technology Engineering and Plasma Technology (IGVP) and for Wastewater and Drinking Water Construction (ISWA) at the University of Stuttgart has extensive scientific expertise in support of Ifeu – Heidelberg Institute for Energy and Environment. GmbH. The company Hermetia Baruth GmbH, specialized in the expertise of the Insektenmast and the PreZero Stiftung & Co. KG, provides bioprocessing services for the company InBiRa-Anlage zur Verfügung.

At the end of the Abschluss Conference, the Beteiligten aus Forschung, Politik mit potenziellen Anwendern aus der Abfallwirtschaft in un Podiumsdiskussion die Potenziale der new Technology sowie die Herausforderungen hinsichtlich Regulatorischer Rahmenbedingungen et mögliche Lösungsansätze. InBiRa-Projektleiterin Zibek zeigte sich nach Projektabschluss optimistisch, the entwickelte Bioraffinerie schon bald konkrete Anwendung in der Praxis finden wird: »I am sure that we have a transfer in the industry which is possible, with larvae as in the Verwertung von überlagerten and sogar verdorbenen Lebensmitteln zu neuen Produkten für die chemische Industrie herstellen können.«