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G DATA CyberDefense is ISO-27001-certified, G DATA CyberDefense AG, History

In October 2024, G DATA announced ISO-27001 certification for your information security management system (ISMS) erhalten. In a umfassenden audit, the TÜV Austria was carried out, as and auf weise G DATA Informationen verarbeitet. The international standard defines the Bochum cyber defense specialists for data protection and security standards across all systems and principles.

In an official audit by TÜV Austria, G DATA is a thorough check of internal procedures for information security. In October 2024, ISO-27001 certification describes cyber defense services with a consistent level of protection in information and information provided by partners and partners. The ISMS is staffed with technical services and mass organizations, which help to ensure data security, Cyberattacks to prevent and the measures to take to respond. Das Audit deckt die Vertraulichkeit, Integrität et Verfügbarkeit von Daten und Systemen ab. A certification certification applies every three years.

“With our ISO-27001 certification, we will be optimal in the Anforderungen der NIS-2-Richtlinie vorbereitet. While intermediary companies have their own answer and a safe procedure, certification is more effective. NIS-2 preparation is for a natural mind, so that we have a partnership with our partners to ensure compliance services are compliant in my eyes.said Andreas Lüning, Mitgründer and Vorstand der G DATA CyberDefense AG.

“Uns haben das Commitment et die Verfügbarkeit des Projects include Geschäftsführung bei der G DATA sowie the Verständnis für unseren sportlichen Projectplan von Anfang sehr gut gefallen”said G DATA Berater Marcel Merzig, IT security consultant TÜV Trust. “The same applies to the efficient, efficient and competent operating process of G DATA. Abschließend kann man sagen, the Einführung des ISMS-Projekts for the Unternehmen a sehr bigger Lernprozess war, der in der erfolgreichen ISO-27001-Zertifizierung indete.

Welche Prozesse wurden geprüft?

TÜV Austria has all certificates, according to the information and dates verified by G DATA CyberDefense AG, of good quality. The ISMS Support Agency provides the process of developing, managing and implementing cybersecurity.

Genauer betrifft das alle Prozesse, die Zurverfügungstellung folgender Lösungen beitragen:

  • G DATA 365 | Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR)
  • G DATA Endpoint Security
  • knowledge from the G DATA Academy
  • dem G DATA Virenschutz for private activities

Has certification for G DATA been established in Kunden?

Neben der fortlaufenden Verbesserung internal Prozesse zur Informationssicherheit, ist die Zertifizierung auch wichtiger Baustein in der Zusammenarbeit mit Kunden und Partnern. For the fallen NIS-2-Richtlinie certification services, the ISO-27001 certification of G DATA is carried out for the management of own NIS-2 suppliers.

About ISO 27001

ISO/IEC 27001 is an international standard for information security. Through the continuous organization of services and an information security management system (ISMS), you can support the affected organizations, minimize cyber risks and vertraulicher information mission to prevent them.

More information about ISO G DATA certification according to ISO 27001:2022 | DATA G