
Hristo Panchugov: The mandate has expired, I don’t think we will have a government from now on ᐉ News from – Bulgaria

The mandate has expired, I don’t think we’ll have a government from now on. The conversation is about politics. This is what political scientist Hristo Panchugov said in the program “Day Live” on the NovaNews channel, after this morning “We continue the changes – Democratic Bulgaria” set as a condition finding an anti-corruption majority of 160 people’s representatives in order to be able to attempt to form a cabinet, reports

Bulgarian politicians have begun to be surprised by this situation. Things are bad here, at least on several levels. The first is that thanks to this proposal, the interim government, which until recently “Continuing Changes – Democratic Bulgaria” claimed belonged to Borisov and the DPS, will continue to rule. The second is that this parliament will continue to function until the next National Assembly and they can seek a majority for these reforms anyway. I can’t quite understand what the goal is, Panchugov said.

The conversation cannot be held on two levels. This political conversation cannot be taken seriously if it does not go hand in hand with a conversation about governance. Talking about a declaration suddenly thrown to parliament and left to chance whether it will be implemented is not a political conversation, the political analyst pointed out.

This is yet another pre-election move by which a political formation tries to explain why it will not take responsibility for governing. Not that anyone is seriously thinking about forming a government from now on, comments Hristo Panchugov.

But there is something good in this idea – talking to Bulgarian politicians about the policy that is being implemented. There are two months in which to find a majority for this policy – ​​to go beyond empty words and move on to real actions. If this happens, the result of this formation in the next elections will be completely different, the political scientist added.