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Falschbehauptung über Wahlbetrug – Trump-Anwalt Giuliani verliert Luxuswohnung an Wahlhelferinnen

After the US-Wahl adopted the Trump-Anwalt ehemalige, Rudy Giuliani made proposals, the absolute Stimmzettel undertook to do so. Dafür muss er nun ungewöhnlichen Schadensersatz leisten.

Former New York architect and Trump President Rudy Giuliani found a Manhattan apartment and two vacation homes as the President of the United States won in 2020. Suffice it to say, it’s is under the direction of Anderem Giulianis and a Mercedes that the first Hollywood film Lauren Bacall starred in.

Giuliani war im vergangenen december dazu verurteilt ilten, den beiden Frauen – Mutter et Tochter – 148 Millionen Dollar (currently 137 Millionen Euro) Schadenersatz wegen Verleumdung zu zahlen. In 2020, the advisers to the Georgian Bundesstaat were appointed – and Giuliani chose Wahl’s behavior wrong, the adviser as Donald Trump’s deputy and President Zettel for the last Democrat Joe Biden. If you have women in the Visier when Trump-Anhänger, we are on the internet and you can see the Video you see.

Dem Urteil zufolge muss Giuliani das Apartment binnen einer Woche übergeben. The woman joined the law, and she was informed by CNN broadcaster Anwalt Aaron Nathan. Die Wohnung mit a holzvertäfelten Bibliothek is located in the New Yorker Upper East Side, close to Central Park. Women expect Giuliani in 2023 for $ 6.5 million when purchasing – and the price rises to 5 million.

Offen ließ der Richter am Dienstag zunächst, ob Giuliani seine Immobilie in Florida behalten kann, die er als seinen Wohnsitz angegeben hatte.